- be nowhere near ready to 远远没有准备好
- By 1996 Copland was nowhere near ready for release, and the effort was eventually cancelled outright. 到 1996年,Copland 距离推出遥遥无期,且那些努力最终彻底的取消。
- Okay, I know what just happened is funny in theory, but I'm nowhere near ready to laugh about it, so please, no jokes. 好的,我知道刚刚发生的事理论上很好笑,但是我还没有准备好拿这件事开心,所以拜托,别开玩笑。
- The house is nowhere near ready for occupancy. 房屋尚待装修,迁入居住还早着呢。
- The bottle was nowhere near full. 这瓶子只装了一点点。
- I'm afraid the house is nowhere near ready for occupation yet. 恐怕这房子还远远不能搬进去住。
- What she told you was nowhere near the truth. 她告诉你的话绝非事实。
- There was nowhere near enough for everybody. 没有离每个人都近的地方。
- The arrow was nowhere near the target. 箭根本没有射到靶子。
- Time was cracking on and we were nowhere near finished. 时间飞逝,可我们却远远没有完成。
- Todays game was nowhere near as exciting as yesterdays. 今天的比赛远不及昨天的扣人心弦。
- I was fired up, but I was nowhere near as good as Cato. 我的情绪被激荡了起来,但是与卡托相比,我的演讲差得远了。
- Sure, but this was nowhere near as tiring as wushu class. 当然要,但比起无聊的武术课,这真的不算什么。
- Don't be so ready to find fault. 不要动不动就挑毛病。
- The hall was nowhere near full. 那大厅远未满座。
- He faced it out that he was nowhere near the spot when the crime was committed. 他始终坚持案发时他不在现场附近。
- Ranger must be ready to deal with emergencies of all kinds. 国家公园管理员必须随时准备好处理各种紧急情况。
- The money was nowhere to be found. 哪儿也找不到那笔钱。
- The steel is then ready to be cast into different shape and size. 这时的钢水可以被浇铸成各种大小不同的形状。
- The children were nowhere to be seen. 孩子们都没影儿了。