- Be neatly dressed, take off your hats in salutation and sing national anthem in unison at the flag-raising ceremony. 参加升旗仪式,衣着整洁、脱帽致礼,齐唱国歌。
- She was plainly but neatly dressed. 她穿着很朴素,但很整齐。
- The table linen was neatly folded up and put away. 这块桌布被整齐地叠起来并拿走了。
- She was a perfect little girl, always perfectly and neatly dressed. 她是个无可挑剔的小姑娘,穿着总是整洁、干净。
- I like everything to be neat and tidy. 我喜欢一切都井井有条。
- No matter what, always be neat and clean. 不管是何种要求,永远要保持整洁。
- be neatly dressed and adorned 穿戴整齐
- Your chairlift can be neatly folded away against the wall. 你的升降椅可以灵巧地折叠起来放在墙边。
- be neatly dressed 衣着整洁
- Everyone has to be neatly packaged into defined groups. 每个人不得不被巧妙地组合成确定好的小组。
- I was still by nature solicitous to be neat. 我却天生酷爱清洁。
- Shirts that were neatly laundered by the hotel staff. 被旅馆服务人员洗烫得很整洁的衬衣
- Mrs. Adams was a short stout woman always neatly dressed, hair always set. Kay had never seen her in disarray. 亚当姆斯夫人是个矮矮的、长得很结实的妇女,身上总是穿得很整齐、头发总是烫成波浪式。
- My wife can quilt the hours away. The house will still be neat. 我的老婆可以一直做她的拼布。我们的房子也可常保整洁。
- His grey hair and moustache were neatly trimmed. 他灰白的头发和八字须修剪得很整洁。
- These military equipments were neatly strapped up. 这些军事装备捆得整整齐齐。
- Marshland yesterday, breezy, neatly dressed visitors can be seen from time to time in the garden came the man, very loud. 昨日江滩,凉风习习,衣着整齐的游人中不时可见赤膊游园的男子,甚为扎眼。
- It was neatly written in a woman's hand. 这是一个女人的工工整整的笔迹。
- It does not require money to be neat, clean and dignified. 整洁、干净和尊严不需要有钱。
- Her gloves were neatly paired in a drawer. 她的手套一副副整齐地放在抽屉里。