- If so, then we tend to take more chances and to be more open to unfamiliar experiences. 如果这样,我们就会去抓住更多机会,更加勇于面对陌生的体验。
- One possible reason is that dust can affect the breathing system and people may be more open to infection. 原因之一可能是尘埃会影响呼吸系统以及人们的户外活动多,因而感染病毒。
- Places to stay, business that are more open to hiring men out of the correctional system. 可以住的地方,优先聘用教改人员的商家。
- Though Shanghai girls are more open to foreigners, Jiangsu girls are more beautiful. 虽然上海女孩对外国人更开放,江苏女孩却更漂亮。
- Farrer describes how the current youth of Shanghai are more open to thoughts considered to be Western. 考虑到被西化的情况,法勒尔描述了当今上海青年如何在思想上更加开放。
- Do we perceive ourselves as quick and curious? If so, then we tend to take more chances and to be more open to unfamiliar experiences. 认为自己反应敏捷、好奇心强吗?如果是的话,那我们往往会抓住更多的机会,更愿意去体验不熟悉的事情。
- Both Brazil and Mexico see business opportunities on the island, especially since Fidel's successors are likely to be more open to foreign investment. 巴西与墨西哥同时都在岛国看到了商业机会,特别是由于菲德尔的继承人可能会对外资投资更欢迎。
- Since the global financial crisis worsened late last year, however, countries have been more open to CIC investments, he said. 楼继伟说,自去年底全球金融危机加剧以来,许多国家已对中投的投资持更为开放的态度。
- "Some may be more open to it than others, depending on their perceptions of themselves and the world, and also the influence of their caretakers," Noll says. “一些人在这方面可能比其它人更开放,这取决于他们对自己和这个世界的关系的理解,也取决于他们的父母的影响。”
- CEO's are more open to ideas. ceo在思想观念上更加开放。
- Although networks are locked in those countries, the carriers are more open to new brands, Hasenfus said.In Venezuela, the company is marketing its more upscale phones, like the shiny Sterling. 尽管这些国家的网络也不开放,但这里的运营商很喜欢选择新手机品牌。
- Usually, children have more flying dreams than adults, Norris said, because children are more open to their possibilities, and adults have often accepted limitations imposed by society. 通常,儿童比成人更常梦见在飞,诺里斯宣传,因为成人通常已经接受了社会强加给他们的限制,而儿童则留有天性。
- Ms.Purcell: Increasingly, recruiters are much more open to looking at second-tier business schools, which are producing extremely high-quality students. 珀塞尔:招聘人员越来越将眼光投向了二类商学院,这类商学院正在培养出质量非常高的学生。
- The post-accession Chinese market is going to be more open. 加入世贸组织后,中国将会进一步开放市场。
- There are many different paths open to them. 有许多不同的道路可供他们选择。
- And finally, when feelings and thoughts and experience all fail, I use words. Words are really the least effective communicator. They are most open to misinterpretation, most often misunderstood. 而最后,如果感受、思维及经验全都失效时,我才用语言。语言真的是顶顶无效的沟通工具。它们最容易招致错误的诠释,最容易被误解。
- Women are more open minded than they once were. 女性的思想比以前更为开放了。
- I hope you would be more respectful to your father. 我希望你对父亲有礼貌些。
- Try to be more objective about it. 尽量更客观地对待此事吧。