- No one expected that our best player could be knocked out of the box. 没人预料到,我们的最佳投手被迫替换下场。
- Our best man was knocked out of the box by their new player. 我们最好的投手被对方的新队员打掉了。
- England had been knocked out of the World Cup. 英格兰队已被淘汰出世界杯足球赛。
- Poor shining armour! The shine is being knocked out of it. 那闪亮的护身甲啊,正逐渐丧失其光泽。
- Our team were knocked out of the competition in the second game. 我们的队在第二轮比赛中被淘汰了。
- The sideboard of the truck has been knocked out of shape. 卡车的车帮被撞得变了形。
- In the following spring, the seeds should be knocked out of the seed-heads and sown. 到第二年春天把种子从谷穗里敲出来,然后再播种。
- Our team has been knocked out of the championship so that's that. 我们队已被淘汰出锦标赛,再没什么可说的了。
- In the following spring,the seeds should be knocked out of the seed-heads and sown. 到第二年春天把种子从谷穗里打出来,然后再播种。
- Most of the competitors were knocked out of the competition. 大多数竞赛者从竞赛中被淘汰出去了。
- In the following spring, the seeds should be knocked out of the seed - heads and sown. 到了第二年春天把种子从谷壳里打出来,然后播种。
- Rafter was knocked out of the tournament in the third round. 拉夫特在锦标赛的第三轮被淘汰出局。
- Our team was knocked out of the competition in the second game. 我们的队在第二轮比赛中被淘汰了。
- Allen was knocked out of his wheelchair and left unconscious. 艾伦被从他的轮椅上击出去并且失去知觉。
- Several of the child's teeth were knocked out of his mouth in the accident. 在那次事故中,这孩子的几颗牙齿被打掉了。
- We got knocked out of the Cup in the first round. 我们在锦标赛的第一轮比赛中就被淘汰了。
- Our team was knocked out in the first part of the competition. 我队在比赛的上半场时被勒令退场。
- Unfortunately, we were knocked out of this competition in the first round. 不幸的是,本次比赛的第一轮我们就被淘汰了。
- Genes can only be knocked out in a single cell. 基因的去除只有在单个细胞中才能进行。
- After three hours of bitter fighting, an entire enemy column was knocked out. 经过3个小时的激战,敌人整个纵队都被歼灭。