- She didn't want to be involved in trouble. 她不想卷入纠纷。
- Thus he was involved in trouble. ,在会议上,外交官做了有趣的演讲。
- As young ploicemen are afraid of being involved in trouble to do that job, let older policewomen do it since they are more resistant to tempertation and additionally, the leaders trust them. 年轻民警或男同志去干这工作怕出事,岁数大的女同志抵抗力强些,加上是领导的信任。
- Artillery and aircraft were involved in the action. 在这次战斗中,使用了大炮和飞机。
- Play a part: to be involved in an activity. 参加某活动。
- I don't want to be involved in their quarrel. 我不想搅和进他们的争吵中。
- I don't want to be involved in this thing. 我不想卷进这件事。
- CINC may be involved in the pathogenesis of PALI. 大鼠肺组织内CINC参与胰腺炎肺损伤过程。
- NO may be involved in VCI development. NO和NOS可能参与VCI的发病过程。
- EBV may be involved in pathogenesis of ALC TCL. ALC-TCL的发病与EBV感染的关系较为密切
- Will you be involved in openning the new office? 你是否会参与开设新办公室的工作呢?
- It's difficult to deal with involvement in trouble. 卷入纠纷,很难处理。
- Mary nudged my arm when they asked if anybody spoke Spanish but I didn't want to be involved in the argument. 当他们问起是否有人会讲西班牙语时,玛丽碰我的手臂但我不愿意卷入这场争论之中。
- They were involved in a long legal wrangle over payment. 他们在付款问题上陷入长期纠纷。
- He was rumoured to be involved in the crime. 有传言说他卷入了这桩罪行。
- Edward has been involved in a car crash and they say he won't pull through. 爱德华遇上了一次车祸,但据说他没有救了。
- He was proved to be involved in the case. 他被证明与这件事有牵连。
- They were involved in a long legal wrangle (with the company) (over payment). 他们(与那家公司)(在付款问题上)陷入长期的法律纠纷中。
- Sooner or later, you will get yourselves deeply involved in trouble. 你迟早会让自己陷入麻烦之中。
- He was involved in working out a plan. 他专心致志地制订计划。