- That was infinitely better than his last film. 这比他上一部电影不知胜过多少倍。
- The particles in an atom are infinitely small. 原子里的粒子极小。
- be infinitely postponedprep. 无限期延期
- The surfaces are infinitely rigid. 它的表面是无限刚性的。
- Human beings are infinitely adaptable. 人类的适应力是无限的。
- It is infinitely postponed. 无限期延期。
- He argued that all matter was infinitely divisible. 他坚持所有物质都可无限地分。
- There are infinitely many possibilities. 那里存在无限可能。
- The totality of space could be infinite. 整个空间其实可以是无限大的。
- The farmers of the future will be infinitely more sophisticated than their predecessors. 未来的农民会比他们的先辈更富于经验。
- Their impact, accordingly, can be infinitely varied, as three recent London openings make abundantly clear. 它们的影响,因此,可以说层出不穷,最近三伦敦开口十分清楚。
- The universe appears to be infinite. 宇宙似乎是无限的。
- The gas molecules are infinitely far apart from one another. 气体分子彼此相距无限远。
- We think poverty to be infinitely desirable before the torments of covetousness. 我们认为贫穷之苦比贪婪之苦不知要可取多少倍.
- There are infinitely many real numbers between any two distinct real numbers. 在任何两个实数之间都有无穷多个实数。
- For some reason, I am infinitely shyer online than I am in real life. so, talk to me :) // 不知道为什麽,我在网上特别害羞。。。
- Also somebody said it meaned that the space can be infinitely fractionized.All of them were very active. 还有人说这说明了空间可以无限细分,大家的发言很活跃。
- Thurs, since there are infinitely many Fermat numbers, there must be infinitely many primes. 所以,因为有无穷个费马数,所有必定有无穷个质数。
- Should the weather be bad, the sports meeting will be postponed. 如果天气不好,运动会就要延期。
- The sinews of war are infinite money. 战争的原动力就是为了获取无尽的财富。