- He was in torment after the operation. 手术后他非常痛苦。
- With the rising and falling of the blaze, the stone faces showed as if they were in torment. 白炽的火苗跳跃飞腾,照出石雕人面似乎在忍受着折磨。
- Lk.16:23 And in Hades he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and saw Abraham from afar and Lazarus in his bosom. 路十六24就喊着说,我祖亚伯拉罕,可怜我吧,打发拉撒路来,用指头尖蘸点水,凉凉我的舌头,因为我在这火焰里极其痛苦。
- And in Hades he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and saw Abraham from afar and Lazarus in his bosom. 24就喊着说,我祖亚伯拉罕,可怜我吧,打发拉撒路来,用指头尖蘸点水,凉凉我的舌头,因为我在这火焰里极其痛苦。
- If we can pull through this recession, we will be in good shape. 如果我们能渡过这段经济不景气的时间,我们就会好多了。
- In hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 23他在阴间受痛苦,举目远远地望见亚伯拉罕,又望见拉撒路在他怀里。
- From hell where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham afar off, and with him Lazarus at rest. 他在阴间,在痛苦中举目一望,远远看见亚巴郎及他怀抱中的拉匝禄,
- I do not want to be in the boss line of fire today. 今天我不想遭到老板的非难。
- If Dad catches you you'll be in the soup. 如果爸爸抓住你,你就要倒楣了。
- "See, O LORD, how distressed I am!I am in torment within, and in my heart I am disturbed, for I have been most rebellious.Outside, the sword bereaves;inside, there is only death. 耶和华阿、求你观看、因为我在急难中.我心肠扰乱.我心在我里面翻转.因我大大悖逆.在外刀剑使人丧子、在家犹如死亡。
- She'd be in time if she got the nine o'clock bus. 如果她赶上九点钟的汽车,她就会及时到达。
- The child with the cough ought to be in bed. 这患咳嗽的孩子应该睡在床上。
- For aught he knows, we might be in Beijing. 他不知道我们会在北京。
- The concert will be in the school hall. 音乐会将在学校的礼堂内举行。
- Mr. Smith will not be in until eleven. 史密斯先生要到11点才能回来。
- He seemed to be in a great hurry. 他看起来很匆忙的样子。
- She must be in the television studio at the moment. 她现在一定在电视演播室。
- He's been in and out of prison for years. 他多年来屡次进出监狱。
- I wouldn't be in your shoes for a thousand pounds. 给我1,000英镑我也不愿做你的替身。
- Such an act would not be in accord with our policy. 这种做法不符合我们的政策。