- Conclusions were drawn:thickness of sclerenchyma correlates with gemination percentage,and was in inverse proportion to gemination percentage. 萝卜种子发芽率的高低主要与厚壁组织层的厚度及它占种皮全厚的比例有关,且成反比。
- If one of two quantities increases as the other decreases, we say that they are in inverse proportion. 若二量之间一增加一减少,我们则称二者成反比例。
- Payment will be in proportion to the work done, not to the time spent doing it. 报酬将与工作量成比例,而不是与花费的时间成比例。
- Each man's pay will be in proportion to his work. 每个人的报酬将与其工作成比例。
- Their earnings are in proportion to their skill. 他们的收入与技术成比例。
- Length of foreface to be in proportion to skull 3 to 5. 口吻部与头骨长之比为3:5。
- He is cleverer than you are in proportion to his years. 以他的年龄而论,他比你聪明些。
- HC emissions are in a certain proportion to misfiring ratio. HC排放与失火率呈一定比例关系。
- Usually its composition will be in proportion to the capital contributed. 董事会的组成一般是按投资比例来定。
- The result you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort you apply. 你所取得的成绩与你所付出的努力直接成正比。
- The size of the furniture should be in proportion to the size of the room. 家具的大小应与房间的大小相称。
- Usually its composition will be in proportion to the capital contributed . 董事会的组成一般是按投资比例来定。
- Amazingly, his enthusiasm for a job seems to be in inverse relation to the amount he gets paid for it! 令人惊奇的是,他对工作的热情似乎与他所得到的报酬总额成反比!
- I do not want to be in the boss line of fire today. 今天我不想遭到老板的非难。
- The share of the Union in such common expenses shall be in proportion to the interest the Union has in them. 本联盟在该项共同支出中的摊款应与本联盟在其中所享的利益成比例。
- Does the foreign student advisory staff seem to be in proportion to the foreign student enrollment? 外国留学生辅导员的人数是否与人学的外国留学生人数合乎比例?
- The child with the cough ought to be in bed. 这患咳嗽的孩子应该睡在床上。
- Head -- The chiseled head imparts to the Boxer a unique individual stamp. It must be in correct proportion to the body. 头--漂亮的头部是由口吻和脑袋正确的比例所构成的。
- He seemed to be in a great hurry. 他看起来很匆忙的样子。
- Male illustrations are in direct ratio to the advancement of grades, while famale illustrations are in inverse ratio. 翻译:男性的演示(/解释/插图)与其级别上升成正比增加,而女性的演示(/解释/插图)则呈反比。