- Jobs are hard to come by these days. 近来 很难找到工作。
- Real curios are hard to come by. 真正的古玩很难弄到手。
- Good jobs are hard to come by in small towns. 在小城填里是很难找到一份好工作的。
- Vegetables are hard to come by here in winter. 冬天这里很难弄到蔬菜。
- The best things are hard to come by. 东西越好,越难到手。
- Triple speakers are hard to come by in this store. 在这家商店很少出售三分频扬声器。
- Good jobs are hard to come by in this field. 在这个行业好工作不容易获得。
- Jobs are hard to come by with so many people out of work. 有这么多人失业,工作非常难找。
- It's the busy season,you know. I'm afraid tickets might be hard to come by when we want to come back. 现在是旺季,我怕想回来时票难买。
- Polygamists are hard to come by, despite the order to be fruitful and multiply. 尽管已颁布了鼓励生育的命令,一夫多妻者很难达到这个数目。
- The dictionary was then out of print and was hard to come by. 这部词典当时已脱销,很难弄到。
- Full marks are hard to come by; you must make painstaking efforts. 得到满分是十分困难的,你必须尽最大努力。
- We've had our ups and downs, but friends are hard to come by, so we'll be best friends forever. 我们经几许风雨到现在,真正的友谊非常难得,我深信我们一辈子也是好朋友。
- Unfortunately, alternatives to bombing the North Vietnam were hard to come by. 不幸的是,除了轰炸北越以外,要找到其他办法是很难的。
- It's easier to find new opportunities and get unexpected help. However, a promotion will be harder to come by. 年出生者:容易找到新机会或贵人相助,但升职容易受阻。
- Such a universal genius is hard to come by. 这样的全才是很难得的。
- Pickaxes were hard to come by on the front and even when available they weren't much help. 镐头一般很难给带到前线,即使带来,也帮不上什么忙。
- The scholar-doctor took all this in and shook his head disapprovingly.He said, “Buddy, ginsengs are hard to come by. 那儒医生王通治在一旁瞧着,却连连头,说道:“老兄,人参得来不易,糟蹋了甚是可惜。
- It will be hard to come to terms with them. 要和他们达成协议很难。
- Yet , some people say that ours is an age where true heroes and heroines are hard to come by, where the very ideal of heroism is something beyond us ---an artifact of the past. 可是,有人说,我们的时代是很难出现真正英雄的时代,英雄主义这一概念本身我们就难以理解--它已经成为历史。