- Set your goals to pepar and you are halfway there! 把你的目标写在纸上,你就近乎于实现了一半。
- We went with Peter,whose car broke down before we were halfway there. 我们和彼得一起去的,他的车子在半路上就抛锚了。
- We went with Peter, whose car broke down before we were halfway there. 我们和彼得一起去的,他的车子在半路上就抛锚了。
- We went with Peter but his car broke down before we were halfway there. 我们和彼得一起去的,但是还没走到半路他的车子就抛了锚。
- We went with Peter,but his car broke down before we were halfway there. 我们和彼得一起去的,但是还没走到半路他的车子就抛了锚。
- We went there with Peter,whose car broke down before we were halfway there. 我们和彼得一起去的,但是还没走到半路他的车子就抛了锚。
- He said: "There's an onus on the reviewer to be halfway fair. 他还说:“评论家肩负着一种要做到中肯公正的责任。
- He'll be halfway to Timbuctoo by now. 他如今已经在去廷巴克图的路上了。
- We will never be halfway revolutionaries. 我们决不做半截子革命者。
- Figured you'd be halfway to Tirol by now. 我想你已经在前往泰洛的中途了。”
- I'm afraid we're not even halfway there yet. 恐怕我们连一半的路都还没走完。
- Halfway there he picked up 200 Tungpei troops. 他在半路上带上200名东北军。
- He was halfway across the river. 他已经游到了河中心。
- He was halfway through his breakfast. 他早餐才吃了一半。
- He was halfway down the ladder when he fell. 他下阶梯时,半路摔倒了。
- be halfway there 走了一半
- The climbers were halfway up the mountain when two of them conked out and had to turn back. 登山队员爬到半山腰时,其中两人筋疲力竭,只得返回。
- If he had not looked down, he would now be halfway across with the shark chasing after him. 如果他不往下看的话,他必定和追逐他的鲨鱼游在半途中了。
- If no other poles zeros are close by, the breakaway point will be halfway. 如果附近没有极点或者零点,则突破点(汇合点)必定在(两个开环极点/开环零点)的中间。
- Man, I was halfway through the Emerald Dream when I had to pee. 啊我刚跨进翡翠梦境,就又得起来方便。