- Everyting will be gone with wind. 让过去的就成为永远的过去吧
- Gone With the Wind will never be gone with the wind. 《飘》永不飘逝。
- I've be go with S北美n Number 3 ages and I'm crazy about IT! 我和S北美n约会已经有三年了,我对她一往情深。
- Xiao Qian is supposed to be going with me. 估计小钱要和我一道去。
- How long has Alice been going with Adam? 艾丽斯和亚当交了多少时候朋友了?
- You are gone with the sin my Darling. 亲爱的,你已随着原罪飘逝。
- All the gypsies who used to live here are gone with the wind. 曾经在这儿住过的吉普赛人已经人去楼空,不再返回了。
- Whereas our fanatical love has been gone with the wind. 而我们狂热的恋情,早随风飘散。
- Gone With The Wind is on. I am going to see it today. 魂断蓝桥正在上映,我今天要去看。
- How long have you been going with Nancy? 你和南希交往有多长时间了?
- Juliet and Susan were talking about the prom, and Joan threw in that she was going with Fred. 朱丽叶与苏珊正谈论舞会,琼插嘴说她要跟弗雷德一起去。
- The doctor wants to check up on how things are going with him. 大夫要检查一下他的健康情况。
- It is not yet settled whether we are going with them. 还没有决定我们是否要和他们一道去。
- For my money, there's nothing to be gained by go with them. 依我看,跟他们去不会有什麽好处。
- You must keep us informed of how things are going with you. 一定要让我们经常了解你们的情况。
- Here she is: take her and be gone. 喏,你把她带走吧。
- How long has your younger sister been going with alexander? 你妹妹与亚历山大谈恋爱多久了?
- Saying that was going with the current of the times. 说是顺应时代潮流。
- We'd better check up on how things are going with us. 我们最好检查一下我们的健康情况。
- Even the steps are going with the rhythm of Flamenco. 连脚步都佛朗明哥的声音。