- So from ancient times it has been frequented by tourists seeking their mystery and admiring their scenery. 因此,自古以来就一直有许多游客来到黄山,探求其神秘,惊叹其美景。
- These woods are frequented by all kinds of birds. 这些树林里经常栖息着各种鸟类。
- A. Most frequented by tourists is the Juyongguan section. 游人最多的是居庸关这一段。
- This is the place said to be frequented by bandits. Please pay more attention. 这就是人们常说的萑苻之地,大家要多加注意。
- It took us quite some time to find a Burmese boater who would take us into an area not frequented by tourists. 1.我们花了很长的时间才找到一个缅甸船夫能够带我们去一个以前旅游者未曾涉足的地方。
- be frequented by tourists 旅游者常去
- What's more, some places are subject to floods while others are frequented by droughts. 更有甚者,有些地方洪水肆虐,有些地方却旱象成灾。
- Touch-screen e-guide facilities shall be made available at public locations frequented by tourists, and mobile information tellers shall be made available during the Olympic Games to provide tourist information and guide services. 在旅游者集中的公共场所设立触摸屏式电子导游设施,奥运期间,设流动信息员为旅游者提供旅游信息和向导服务。
- It is reported that the United States and Britain are frequented by a number of hotels and restaurants to become the major targets of the attack. 中英文对照:据悉,美英人士经常光顾的一些饭店和餐厅成为这次袭击的重点目标。
- Touch-screen e-guide facilities shall be made available at public locations frequented by tourists,and mobile information tellers shall be made available during the Olympic Games to provide tourist information and guide services. 在旅游者集中的公共场所设立触摸屏式电子导游设施,奥运期间,设流动信息员为旅游者提供旅游信息和向导服务。
- a restaurant frequented by tourist types 旅行者经常光顾的饭店
- The flume is frequented by deer looking for water. 寻找水的鹿常常光顾这个溪谷。
- This is the park frequented by paramours. 这是个情人们常常光顾的公园。
- A mango orchard dedicated by a neighbouring zemindar to the public use was frequented by the boys for their noonday sports. 由邻近地主贡献的芒果园提供给公共使用,经常成为男孩子们午间运动场所。
- Prior to the arrival of Stamford Raffles in Singapore, the island was frequented by wandering sea people, called Orang Laut. 在莱佛士到达新加坡以前,常有些称作“海人”的海上流浪民族往来于该岛。
- In the South,where I grew up,such roads are called cow trails because they are frequented by farm equipment and vehicles that plod along at bovine speed. 我在南方长大,那里把这种路叫“赶牛小道”,因为路上都是农用设备和车辆,行驶车辆都像牛似的缓慢。
- The restaurant's regular customers are being crowded out by tourists. 这家餐馆的老主顾被游客挤得不得其门而入。
- In the South, where I grew up, such roads are called cow trails because they are frequented by farm equipment and vehicles that plod along at bovine speed. 我在南方长大,那里把这种路叫“赶牛小道”,因为路上都是农用设备和车辆,行驶车辆都像牛似的缓慢。
- These penny universities occupied a significant position in Oxford academic life as they were frequented by virtuosi who conducted their research on the premises. 第一个英文咖啡店,名为天使,成立于牛津,某犹太企业家名为雅各布,于1650年。
- A librarian who is fleeing law practice and can't abide lawyers will likely be unhappy in a law library because, inevitably, law libraries are frequented by lawyers. 一个脱离司法实践、不能容忍律师的图书馆员不会在法律图书馆愉快地工作,因为律师是法律图书馆的常客。