- A judge must be free from prejudice. 法官必须不抱成见。
- Soon to be freed from care, from human pain. 可能很快再也感受不到关怀,感受不到做人的痛苦。
- Let guiltless souls be freed from guilty woe. 让那些无罪的生灵,免遭罪孽的折磨;
- How long will you be free from two this afternoon ? 从今天下午两点起你有多长时间的空?
- People in there are free from want and fear. 生活在那里的人民可免于匮乏及恐惧。
- I'll be free from two to three this afternoon. 今天下午两点到三点我有空。
- The new government must be free from corruption. 新政府应当没有腐败现象。
- How we wished to be free from noises! 我们多么希望不受噪音的影响。
- She had the good fortune to be free from illness. 她运气好,没得病。
- Everyone has the right to be free from hunger. 人人有不挨饿的权利。
- A judge shall be free from prejudice. 法官应该不带偏见。
- We should be free from arrogance and rashness. 我们应该不骄不躁。
- We should be free from danger, iridology. 我们应该做到居安思危,防范于未然。
- A man who has been freed from slavery. 自由民被解放了的奴隶
- A woman who has been freed from slavery. 女自由民被解放了的女奴
- Three people were freed from the wreckage. 有三人被救出残骸。
- At last she was freed from all encumberances. 她终于从一切牵累中解脱出来。
- At last she was freed from all obligations. 她终于免除了所有的契约。
- She had the good fortune to be free from illness all her life. 她真幸运,一生没有病痛。
- I have been freed from all trouble and responsibility. 我已经从所有的烦恼和负担中解脱出来。