- The curtains were enveloped in a sheet of flame. 窗帘被火焰吞没。
- His past was enveloped in a shroud of mystery. 他的过去被裹上一层神秘色彩。
- The baby was enveloped in a shawl. 婴儿裹在围巾里。
- All the people were enveloped in an atmosphere of joy. 所有的人都沉浸在欢乐的气氛之中。
- The hills were enveloped in dense fog. 浓雾包住了群山。
- The new baby was enveloped in blankets . 新生儿被包在毯子里。
- The building was enveloped in flames. 这幢建筑物为熊熊烈焰所包围。
- The mountain peak was enveloped in mist and clouds. 山峰被云雾遮蔽。
- The hills are enveloped in mist. 山峦深藏在雾中。
- She was enveloped in a huge white towel. 她裹在一条白色大毛巾里。
- The hills are enveloped in mist . 山峦深藏在雾中。
- The hills were enveloped in mist. 山丘被雾笼罩了。
- They are regarded as being enveloped in regenerated gneisses. 它们被认为包围在再生的片麻岩之中。
- All the people present were enveloped in an atmosphere of joy . 所有在场的人都沉浸在欢乐的气氛中。
- All the people present were enveloped in an atmosphere of joy. 所有在场的人都沉浸在欢乐的气氛中。
- The distant hills were enveloped in clouds and mist. 远山被云雾遮掩着。
- Parliament, Westminster Bridge and the River Thames are enveloped in fog. 国会大厦、威斯敏斯特桥以及泰晤士河都笼罩在一片大雾之中。
- They were enveloped in laughing voices full of cheerful anticipation. 他们被充满了鼓励意味的希望的笑声包围着。
- The building was soon enveloped in flames. 那幢建筑物很快就陷入了火海之中。
- The whole business of his dismissal from office has been enveloped in mystery from start to finish. 他被解职的整个过程自始至终神秘莫测。