- It came into my mind that Alan, on the day of that battle, had been engaged upon the royal side. 我想起了,战斗发生的那天,艾伦原是给国王那边当差的。
- From Hangzhou, to be engaged upon flute professional teachings, good at piano and electronic organ, like dressing and decorate. 来自杭州,专业从事长笛和短笛的教学,擅长钢琴和电子琴,爱好化壮和服装。
- He engaged upon a new profession. 他开始从事新的职业。
- They are engaged in interior trade. 他们从事国内贸易。
- To be engaged in(a vocation or hobby, for example). 从事(例如,一种职业或爱好)
- Some of them are engaged in advanced studies. 他们有些人在进行高级研究工作。
- He was engaged in medical research. 他从事于医学的研究。
- They may be engaged for weeks,months or even years. 他们订婚的关系可以持续几个星期、几个月甚至是几年。
- We must congratulate you to be engaged to. 我们一定要庆贺你订婚。
- She was engaged to a young man, a tenant of his. 她和一个年轻人,伯爵的一个佃户,订了婚。
- I'll be engaged with a client this evening. 我晚上和一个客户有事。
- We are engaged in compiling a dictionary. 我们正忙於编一本字典。
- She was engaged in protecting wild birds. 她致力於保护野生鸟类的工作。
- Do you want to be engaged in politics or business? 你想从政还是从商?
- What we be engaged in is a big scheme. 我们被迫操劳定是个大阴谋。
- We should all be engaged in good causes. 我们应全部从事于好的目标。
- Answer to be engaged in carefully so. 所以应谨慎从事。
- Be engaged in an argument with sb. 与某人发生一场争论
- As often as I tried to phone him the line was engaged. 每次我给他打电话都占线。
- The sound of the hammer engaged upon the erection of new structures was everywhere heard. 到处可以听到建造新楼的铁锤敲击声。