- They will not be eligible for the HKSAR passport. 他们将没有资格申请香港特别行政区护照。
- You'll be eligible for parole in half that time. 二年半之后你就有资格申请假释。
- Ford would also be eligible for government help. 福特也将会符合政府救助的条件。
- We need fourteen students to be eligible for government's aid. 我们需要14个成员才有资格得到政府的援助,
- If you join us, you will never be eligible for promotion. 如果你到我们这儿来,你就永远不会有被提升的资格。
- Pupils must pass in all subjects to be eligible for school teams. 全部功课及格的学生才有资格参加校队。
- Associates will be eligible for affiliate membership (ASI). 机构可以为附属会员资格。
- However,you woukd then not be eligible for unemployment benefits. 可是那样你就没有资格领失业救济金了。
- By Christmas, with fair luck, he might be eligible for service in Khaki. 等到圣诞节,如果一切顺利,他大概可以够资格穿卡叽布军服了。
- If you are eligible for a free upgrade (first 90 days, extended service plan), the download number will be included. 如果你有获得免费升级的资格(首90天,扩展服务计划), 下载数字会包含在通知里。
- You may be eligible for a discretionary grant for your university course. 读大学课程可能会有资格获得学校自行决定是否发放的助学金。
- The Scholarship holder shall not be eligible for any other scholarships. 奖学金持有人不得同时获取其他的奖学金。
- To be eligible for the lower fare, you have to stay over Saturday night. 要买到打折扣的机票,必须过了星期六晚上再走。
- All personnels of the company are eligible for the retirement plan. 公司所有员工都有资格参加这项退休计划。
- All mail must have the new barcode to be eligible for automation discounts. 所有邮件必须有新的条形码有资格获得自动化的折扣。
- Applicants must be eligible for S1 places in 2010/2011 EDB's SSPA system. 申请者必须获2010-2011学年中一统一派位资格。
- Applicants must be eligible for S1 places in 2009/2010 EDB's SSPA system. 申请者必须获2009-2010学年中一统一派位资格。
- All personnel of the company were eligible for the retirement plan. 公司所有员工都有资格参加这项退休计划。
- Only full-time graduate are eligible for interships. 只有全日制研究生才有资格获得助教薪金。
- Only fulltime graduate students are eligible for interships. 只有全日制研究生才有资格获得助教薪金。