- You must be economical of your money and time. (你必需节省你的金钱和时间。)
- We should be economical of our money and time. 我们应该节省金钱和时间。
- Only by using availing machinery can it be economical of time and energy. 只有使用了得力的机器,才能省时省力。
- be economical of time and energy 节省时间和精力
- The bases are economization of raw materials and energy low cost. 节能降耗压成本是基础;
- Where coal is cheap, steam power may be economical. 煤便宜的地方,蒸汽动力就经济。
- He was economical in all areas of his life. 他在生活的各个方面都精打细算。
- My new car is economical of fuel. 我的新汽车节省燃料[不费油]。
- Where coal is cheap,steam power may be economical. 煤便宜的地方,蒸汽动力就经济实惠。
- Mineral resources are a kind of nonrenewable limited natural resources,which are economically of scarcity. 矿产资源是存量有限的非再生自然资源,具有经济学意义上的稀缺性;
- We must be economical with our time. 我们必须节约时间。
- He is economical of money [time]. 他很会节省钱[时间]。
- be economical of one's money (energy ) 省钱(精力)
- Articles of everyday use are economically priced. 日用品价格低廉。
- The economics of the project are very encouraging. 这项工程的经济情况非常令人鼓舞。
- The chief gains would be economic. 最主要的好处还是在经济方面。
- Center for Quantitative Economics of. 吉林大学数量经济研究中心。
- When we had done the costings on the project, it was clear it would not be economical to go ahead with it. 我们计算了成本,清楚表明这项工程不合算。
- The economics of the business firm II. 企业经济学2。
- Moreover, the economics of enlargement looks good. 此外,欧盟扩大的经济影响似乎不错。