- John and Smith have been drunk as a lord, they all are drunken fellows. 约翰和史密斯喝得酩酊大醉,他们全都是酒鬼。
- He finally got home at midnight, drunk as a lord. 最后,他半夜回到家里,喝得烂醉。
- I couldn't understand what the man was saying; he was as drunk as a lord. 我听不懂那个人在说些什么,他烂醉如泥。
- He finally got home at midnight,drunk as a lord. 最后,他半夜回到家里,喝得烂醉。
- He died true to his character: drunk as a lord. 他死得很有性格:酩酊大醉。
- At about3 AM, I was drunk as a skunk. 大约半夜3点钟,我像个酒鬼一样喝地烂醉。
- At about 3AM, I was drunk as a skunk. 大约半夜3点钟,我像个酒鬼一样喝地烂醉。
- It was rare for him to get drunk as a lord as he did now. 像他现在这样喝得酩酊大醉是很少见的。
- He gulped down one glass of whisky after another, and was as drunk as a lord in next to no time. (他灌下了一杯又一杯的威士忌,很快就酩酊大醉了。)
- be drunk as a lord 酩酊大醉
- A lout got drunk as a lord. 一个乡巴佬醉得不得了。
- He came home as drunk as a skunk again. 他回到家就醉得不省人世。
- It will make you as drunk as a fiddler. 它会使你酩酊大醉的。
- be dead drunk; be as drunk as a lord 烂醉如泥
- Of course, want cold storage via alexipharmic milk, want to be drunk as early as possible. 当然,经消毒的牛奶要冷藏,要尽早喝掉。
- Drunk as a dog,' the Inuit like to say. 因纽特人总是喜欢说:‘醉得像狗一样。
- Original creamy cocktail to drink as a dessert. 作为甜点的原创奶油鸡尾酒饮料。
- A period of time of aftertime I will take studying as a lord. 今后一段时间我会以学习为主。
- The loser has to drink as a forfeit. 罚输者喝酒。
- he was drunk as a newt and singing his head off. 他烂醉如泥,还拼命地唱个不停。