- be dismissed for bad conduct 因品行不端而被解雇
- Tom was suspended from school for bad conduct. 汤姆因行为不端被休学。
- This employee was dismissed for laziness. 这名雇员因为懒惰而被解雇。
- In consequence of his bad conduct he was dismissed. 由于行为不良,他被开除了。
- He was dismissed for neglect of duty. 他因玩忽职守而被开除了。
- He was dismissed for neglecting his duty. 他因玩忽职守而被解雇。
- He was dismissed for incompetence. 他因不称职而遭辞退。
- He was suspended from school for bad conduct. 他因品行不端而被停学。
- One suspects he was dismissed for political reasons. 有人怀疑他是由于人事上的原因而被解职的。
- He was suspended from school for a week for bad conduct . 他因表现不好被停学一周。
- He was suspended from school for a week for bad conduct. 他因表现不好被停学一周。
- He was dismissed for neglecting his work. 他因玩忽职守而被炒了鱿鱼。
- His opponent was dismissed for a low score. 他的对手因得低分而被迫退场。
- She was discharged from the police force for bad conduct. 她因行为不轨被清除出警察队伍。
- Tom is suspended from school for a week for bad conduct. 汤姆因为行为不端被停学一周。
- The minister was dismissed for negligence . 部长因玩忽职守被解职。
- She was dismissed for revealing trade secrets. 她因泄露商业机密被解雇。
- The case was dismissed for lack of evidence. 因缺乏证据,那个案子被驳回了。
- He was dismissed for neglect of his duty. 他因玩忽职守被辞了。
- He was dismissed for inattention to his duty. 他由于玩忽职守而被解职。