- He became a monk because he was disillusioned with the world. 他因看破红尘而出家了。
- John is disillusioned with life in general. 约翰对整个生活失去了信心。
- She's disillusioned with life in general. 她对生活各方面均不抱幻想了。
- He's very disillusioned with the present government. 他对现政府的幻想完全破灭了。
- Students at Punjab University, the country's biggest and traditional nursery for politicians, are disillusioned with politics and many say they will not be voting in next week's election. 旁遮普大学是巴基斯坦培养政治家的传统大本营,但是该校的学生对政治已经幻想破灭,很多人表示他们不会在下周的选举投票。
- I soon became disillusioned with the job. 我不久便对这个工作不再抱幻想了。
- Tom soon became disillusioned with flying. 不久便对飞行不再抱幻想了。
- You could be disillusioned if you let relative in on your emotional thoughts. 亲人会让你在情感问题上更加清醒;
- Coverdale quickly becomes disillusioned with farm work. 科弗代尔对农业劳动的幻想很快就破灭了。
- Hamlet was disillusioned in his mother. 哈姆雷特对他母亲的幻想破灭了。
- And the second was disillusionment with the Old Left in all its forms (Communist, Social-Demo crat, move ments of national liberation). 第二是各种老左派(共产主义、社会民主主义、国族解放运动)的幻灭。
- Some were Imperials disillusioned with their government's tyranny. 他们中的一部分人曾是帝国的护卫,但已对政府的暴政大失所望;
- see through the vanity of the world; be disillusioned with this human world 看破红尘
- Many common people are very disillusioned with the present government. 许多老百姓对现政府的幻想完全破灭了。
- Sons have always a rebellious wish to be disillusioned by that which charmed their fathers. 孩子总叛逆,父亲有同感,叛逆成幻想。
- They were disillusioned soon after they came to the new colony. 他们到达新殖民地后不久就从幻想中觉醒了。
- He was disillusioned to find that all the heroes of his youth had feet of clay. 他发现年轻时所崇拜的人物都有缺点,这令他大失所望。
- I am disillusioned by the institutions of China that let a man of such recklessness get away with impunity. 大失所望是因为中国的机构让一个如此粗心鲁莽的人逃过了惩罚。
- Many people who are disillusioned in reality assimilate life to a dream. 许多对现实失望的人把人生比作一场梦。
- Ordinary Japanese, increasingly disillusioned with their country's politics, may think so too. 而对日本政坛大失所望的普通民众,或许也是这样想的。