- be dished out of something 被骗去某东西
- She was dished out of her inheritance by a flaw in the will. 由于遗嘱上有一漏洞,本应由她继承的遗产被人骗走了。
- Be dished out of sth. [口]被骗去某东西
- Make a big deal out of something. 是指对某事大惊小怪。
- New overalls and helmets were dished out before the party went underground. 这伙人到地下前,每人发一套新的工装裤和钢盔。
- It evolved out of something unplanned. 它由某些计划外的事件演变而来。
- If so, how many other red cards could have been dished out? 如果这样的话,这场比赛会出现多少红牌?
- All the promissory notes were dished out on the campaign trail. 所有的本票在竞选活动中都分发下去了。
- Some important news releases were dished out at the news conference. 在记者招待会上宣布了一些重要新闻。
- Why did I accept the fate Henry was dishing out? 为什么我要接受亨利在给我安排的命运?
- The left mouse button pressed flying saucer, which drove the mouse adjustment and direction of delivery opened mouse can be dished out flying saucer. 鼠标左键按住飞碟,拉动鼠标调整力度和方向,送开鼠标飞碟即可抛出。
- If you don't get out of the way,you're able to be knocked down by a bicycle of something. 你要是不让路就可能被自行车什么的撞倒。
- ASBOs are dished out to children for nuisance behaviour that would not ordinarily be jail-worthy, but can lead to custody if breached. 反社会行为指的是青少年令人困扰的行为,一般不会招来牢狱之灾,但是若有违反可以拘留。
- We all have them,but if your hair looks permanently out of condition it may be an indication of something more serious. 我们都有过这种状况,但是,如果你的头发长期看起来状态不佳的话,它所反映的问题就有点严重了。
- The Spanish playmaker may have missed out when annual gongs were dished out by the football writers and PFA, but Liverpool supporters recognise how good he has been. 当PFA和足球协会每年评选最佳球员的时候,西班牙中场名字被他们所遗漏,但是利物浦球迷认为本赛季阿隆索的表现是出色的。
- He gets tired easily; he must be out of shape. 他很容易疲倦,一定是身体有毛病。
- The boss is delighted,he's been dishing out bonuses and handshakes. 老板很高兴,一边与大家握手,一边分发奖金。
- The cost will be stopped out of your salary. 费用将从你的工资中扣除。
- The students appear to be completely out of hand. 学生们似乎已完全无法控制了。
- You get out of something what you... see pictured on the box. 拿到的就是....盒子上照片里的(调理图片仅供参考喔