- Chemical energy may be converted to heat. 化学能可以转化为热能。
- To convert or be converted to Catholicism. 使信仰天主教转变为或被转变为天主教信条
- The changing table can be converted to a cabinet. 婴儿换衣桌可改装成为储物柜。
- Objects cannot be converted to char. 对象不能转换为字符。
- She was converted to Christianity. 她已皈依基督教。
- Objects that can be converted to text. 可转换成文本的对象。
- An integer to be converted to a string. 要转换成字符串的整数。
- Both operands will be converted to an int. 两个操作数都被转换成。
- A Web test can be converted to a code-based script. Web测试可以转换为基于编码的脚本。
- Heat can be converted to energy, and vice versa. 热可以转换为能,能也可以转换为热。
- Coal can be converted to gas by burning. 煤通过燃烧可转变为煤气。
- Dichloroethane can be converted to VCM. 二氯乙烷被转化为氯乙烯。
- A.What information will be converted to the HRIS?B. 谁将有权接近HRIS存储的数据?
- A.What information will be converted to the HRIS? 什么信息将要转换到HRIS之中?
- Many Africans were converted to Christianity. 人转信了基督教。
- These elements are converted to objects. 这些元素将被转换为对象。
- Melinda : Allan was converted to Islam. 梅林达:艾伦是改信伊斯兰教。
- He was converted to Christianity from paganism. 他从一个崇拜偶像的异教徒变成基督徒.
- Cannot be converted to a double-precision floating-point value. 关联的值不能转换为双精度浮点值。
- The disks you select will be converted to dynamic disks. 您所选的磁盘会被转换成动态磁盘。