- Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand. 然而我常与你同在。你搀着我的右手。
- Results:(1) The righ layer of the gastrophrenic ligament was continuous with the posterior layer of the lesser omentum, the left layer of the ga. 结果:(1)胃膈韧带右层与小网膜的后层相续,左层与膈脾韧带右层及胃脾韧带后层相续,向下左、右层靠拢而续为胃胰襞左部。
- To unite so as to be continuous; blend. 结合为一体为了保持连续性而联合;混和
- Bleeding may be continuous but is usually episodic. 出血可以是持续的,但常是间歇的。
- The 10 years may be continuous or otherwise. 该10个年度可以是连续或不连续的。
- Possession also must be continuous. 占有还必须是持续不断的。
- Empty traps show up in the turnover characteristics are continuing with the stock price fell, the volume can remain in an irregular contraction. 空头陷阱在成交量上表现出的特征,是随着股价的持续性下跌,量能始终处于不规则的萎缩中。
- This story was continued with a sequel, Back to the Future Part II, which was released in1989; and another sequel in1990, Back to the Future Part III, forming a trilogy. 这一故事后被拍摄了续集,包括发行于1989年的《回到未来第二部》和发行于1990年的《回到未来第三部》,从而构成完整的三部曲。
- I don't doubt that I will be continuing with Real Madrid, and I didn't have any doubts before the President or Pedja Mijatovic said otherwise. Honestly, I am very happy. 毫无疑问,我会留下,而且在米甲托维奇出面澄清之前我也没有怀疑过,老实说,我很高兴。
- Please continue with what you were doing before I came in. 请继续做我进来之前你们正在做的事情吧。
- In the old days, the yew tree was sacred and planted in holy sites as an emblem of immortality by Druids and this practice was continued with the coming of Christianity. 过去,红豆杉经常被德鲁伊教团员神圣地种在一些神圣的地方,作为一种不朽的象征。在基督教的世纪里,这种行为仍然在继续。
- True, the list will start over with the last item in the collection and appear to be continuous. 则列表将从集合中的最后一项重新开始,但看起来是连续的。
- Negotiations are continuing with Reebok chiefs reluctantly warning the former Newcastle man that they could take legal action and demand compensation, if he scuppers the deal. 谈判仍在继续,对方警告如果哈曼执意不同意转会,他们会采取法律措施并要求赔偿。
- The teacher told the class to continue with their work while he was out. 教师告诉全班同学在他出去时继续做他们的作业。
- He decided to go on and continue with his quest. 他决定继续前进,继续寻找问题的答案。
- He moved that the meeting be continued after dinner. 他提议晚饭后继续开会。
- Efforts to colonise negroes, with their consent, will be continued. (北方)联邦行政、海军、陆军当局都将承认并保障以上人员的自由,并将不会采取任何行动来压制其赢得实际自由的努力。
- After that they continued with the business. 之后,他们继续做这个买卖。
- Stays are continuous over saddles in the pylon. 拉索连续跨过塔架内的索鞍。
- The story will be continued in next week's issue. 这故事将在下周那一期中继续登载。