- An embassy that was compromised by hidden listening devices. 因隐藏着窃听器而处于险境的大使馆
- Optimum performance of the camera may be compromised by using other lenses. 可能由于使用了其它牌号的镜头而不能发挥最佳的相机性能。
- The nuclear secrets of the state were compromised by the spy. 这个国家的核秘密被这个间谍破坏了。
- She said the ability to study, play sport, work and een enjoy a social life could be compromised by migraine symptoms. 她指出学习能力、体育运动、工作以及享受社会生活都必须让步与偏头痛。
- The minister was compromised by the news of his relationship with the prostitute and had to leave Parliament. 部长和妓女来往的丑闻使部长名誉受损,只好离开议会。
- Arber and colleagues wrote. "Mass screening efforts hae been compromised by performance limitations and low user rates of the tools currently aailable. 我们需要更好的筛查技术,能够同时实现准确、微创、方便、安全、广泛使用以及费用可以承担。”
- Quality cannot get mixed up with other bargaining and be compromised by the usual adversarial relationship between workers and management. 质量问题不能与其他劳资谈判混为一谈,也不能由于劳资双方通常的敌对关系而受到影响。
- The natural course of rivers, streams, and lakes has been compromised by centuries of damming, diversion, sprawl, and industrial pollution. 数百年来,河流和湖泊的自然水道因筑坝、改道引水、拓展和工业污染等原因遭到了破坏。
- It was considered that the value of the lower section of Tai Tong Stream has been compromised by siltation and pollution from nearby developments. 城规会认为大棠河下游的价值因沙土淤塞及邻近发展项目造成的污染而大大降低。
- Of course, these speed gains may be compromised by the computer makers, if they add lots of junky software to the machines. 不过,如果电脑厂商在机器中安装了大量垃圾程序,这样的速度优势也会大打折扣。
- Detractors also worry that freshwater aquifers in the area could be compromised by the Dead Sea's water in the event of an earthquake. 批评者也担心,一旦发生地震,该地区的淡水蓄水层将被死海海水所破坏。
- The director-general of MI5 has warned banks and financial services companies that commercially sensitive information is at risk of being compromised by Chinese computer hacking. 英国军情五处(MI5)处长乔纳森埃文斯(Jonathan evans)警告银行与金融服务企业,中国电脑黑客攻击已威胁到商业敏感信息的安全。
- TOS performance for mission critical transactions will not be compromised by conducting complex analyses, and SPARCS Analytics is unaffected by the load on the TOS. 关键任务交易的TOS绩效不会由于进行复杂分析而受到影响,同时,SPARCS Analytics也不会受到TOS的负荷量的影响。
- PGP provides cryptographic privacy and authentication that is designed to protect email sent and received between two or more parties from being compromised by outside sources. PGP提供了隐私加密术和认证,这些被设计用于两方或多方之间收发邮件时被外部获知。
- HTTP transmissions can be viewed or compromised by malicious users. 恶意用户可以查看或危害HTTP传输。
- Vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells are, in theory, pollution-free but their popularity has been compromised by the difficulty of generating hydrogen cheaply and plentifully. 从理论上讲,氢燃料电池驱动的汽车是无污染的,但由于氢难以廉价、大量地生产,这种汽车在普及方面打了折扣。
- I really don't think a government website's server can be like this... at least it shouldn't be compromised by some DDOS attack by those Tibetan criminals... 我真不相信中国政府的网站服务器像这样....至少不会不会受到那些西藏罪犯的DDOS攻击。
- "Quality will never be compromised" is our motto. “追求品质,永无止境”或“质量不打折”或“精益求精”或 是我们的厂训/座右铭/宗旨。
- Scientists'pristine reputation as devotees of the disinterested pursuit of truth has been compromised by recent evidence that some scientists have deliberately fabricated experimental results to further their own careers. 科学家们作为客观公正的追求真理的献身者的早期声望已经被最近的证据所危害,证据显示某些科学家故意捏造实验结果以达到事业亨通之目的。
- How fast life can be compromised. 生命会在多久后妥协让步。