- I wish your life can be circumfused with smile. 我希望笑能围绕在你身边.;怎么翻译?
- The hall was circumfused with a cordial and friendly atmosphere. 大厅中充满了亲切友好的气氛。
- be circumfused with light 周围充满光
- But it is my lonesomeness to be begirt with light! 围绕我的,只有我的孤独。
- The place was flooded with light. 那地方十分光亮。
- The palace was ablaze with lights. 那座宫殿灯火辉煌。
- Inside, the crimson room bloomed with light. 室内,那间绊红色的屋子灯火辉煌。
- To provide or brighten with light. 照明,照亮给予光亮或用光使发亮
- You shall finish off with light vertical strokes. 收尾时要竖直轻刷。
- We touch a switch to flood a room with light. 我们打开电灯开关使室内灯光明亮。
- She steeled herself with light laugh. 她轻笑一声狠下心来。
- The sky overhead throbbed and pulsed with light. 天色瞬息万变。
- Zeal without knowledge is fire with light. (热情而无知,犹如有火不发光。)
- Treading with light and nimble ease. 脚步轻快、轻盈的
- The room was flooded with light. 室内一片灯光。
- It is a residential city with light industries. 它是一座拥有轻工业的居住城市。
- She's tall and thin with light brown hair. 她又高又瘦,一头浅棕色的头发。
- The sun clothed the hill with light. 阳光覆照在小山上。
- Sun clothed the hill with light. 阳光覆照在小山上。
- To go with light running steps; scamper. 急匆匆地走;急赶。