- Also be careful where you park to avoid dings,” he adds. 还必须小心停车场有没有流浪汉,”他补充说。
- The wood of the stairs has rotted away in places. Be careful where you tread. 楼梯的木头有些地方烂掉了,上楼时要小心。
- The wood of the stairs has rotted away in places; be careful where you tread. 楼梯的木头有些地方烂掉了,上楼时要小心。
- Place boards over the rungs to improve the footing. (Keep in mind that metal ladders conduct electricity so be careful where you place them. 梯子放好之后,再放些木板在上面,方便行走。(要注意的是,金属梯子会导电,所以在放置梯子的时候要选好位置以确保安全。)
- Be careful not to lose too much liquid by evaporation. 小心,不要因为蒸发作用而失掉过多的水份。
- Be careful not to crease up my book. 小心别把我的书弄皱了。
- Be careful with that saucepan the handle's loose. 小心那个长把儿锅--把儿可松了。
- Be careful in dealing with such people. 与这种人打交道要小心谨慎。
- Be careful how you start the personal computer. 要注意怎样起动个人计算机。
- Be careful not to fall off the ladder. 当心别从梯子上掉下来。
- Be careful not to misstate your case. 小心别把你的情况讲错了。
- Be careful not to cut yourself while shaving. 刮胡子时要小心别割伤自己。
- I don't care where the money comes from: that's not my pigeon. 我不管钱从哪儿来,那不是我的事。
- Haste makes waste, so be careful as you work. 欲速则不达,所以工作时仔细些。
- You should be careful when making a promise. 你应当谨慎做出承诺。
- Be careful to match this design with that. 注意把这个设计兴那个设计互相调配。
- Be careful what you say; even the walls have ears! 说话要小心,隔墙有耳啊!
- Be careful with these plates they chip very easily. 小心这些盘子--边缘容易破损。
- She didn't care where her son went. 她不关心儿子到什么地方去。
- Mary: Be careful! Don't drop it! 玛丽:小心点,别摔了!