- Joan of Arc was burnt at the stake. 圣女贞德被处以火刑。
- Heretics were burned at the stake. 持异端者被处以火刑。
- Witches used to be burned at the stake. 巫婆过去要被处以火刑。
- Witches had to be burned at the stake or drowned. 必须把巫婆绑在火刑柱上烧死或者淹死。
- She was burned at the stake for heresy in the 14th century. 她在十四世纪因信仰异教而被处火刑。
- Joan of Arc was burnt (alive) at the stake. 圣女贞德在火刑柱上被(活活)烧死。
- The two heretics were burned at the stake. 两名异教徒被捆在木桩上烧死了。
- He was burned at the stake for heresy. 他因为被指信奉异端而以火刑处死。
- Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. 圣女贞德被烧死在火刑柱上。
- "Bright,beautiful,pure as the driven snow." That's the way the world saw her until she was burnt at the stake and buried by the press in the scandal that rocked the 50's. 全世界都认为她象飞雪一样美丽纯洁、清新动人。然而在五十年代,她受到绯闻的困扰,被新闻界葬送了前程。
- Before the French Revolution, criminals sentenced to death were burnt at the stake , hanged , or decapitated with a stroke of a sword. 在法国大革命之前,被判死刑的罪犯会被烧死在火刑柱、被吊死,或是被一刀砍下人头。
- Bruno was burned at the stake in Rome because he refounce his idea . 由于他拒绝放弃自己的观点,在罗马被处以火刑。)
- Bright,beautiful,pure as the driven snow."That's the way the world saw Engrid Bergman until she was burnt at the stake and buried by the press in the scandal that rocked the 50's. 全世界都认为她象飞雪一样美丽纯洁、清新动人。然而在五十年代,她受到绯闻的困扰,被新闻界葬送了前程。
- Christian martyr. A student of the Apostle John, he was burned at the stake during a period of persecution of Christians in Smyrna. 圣·波利卡普基督教殉道者。阿波斯尔·约翰的学生,在士每拿地方对基督徒的迫害期间被焚死
- Flame Freezing Charm Description: This charm was commonly used by witches being burned at the stake, it allowed them to remain untouched by the fire. 常用来点火的咒语,且允许可燃物保持原状。
- The Jesuits were quite balked by those Indians who, being burned at the stake, suggested new modes of torture to their tormentors. 那些耶稣会会士也给印第安人难倒了,印第安人在被绑住活活烧死的时候提出新奇的方式来虐待他们的施刑者。
- Joan of Arc was burnt alive at the stake. 圣女贞德在火刑柱上被活活烧死。
- Christian martyr. A student of the Apostle John,he was burned at the stake during a period of persecution of Christians in Smyrna. 圣·波利卡普基督教殉道者。阿波斯尔·约翰的学生,在士每拿地方对基督徒的迫害期间被焚死。
- Christian martyr.A student of the Apostle John, he was burned at the stake during a period of persecution of Christians in Smyrna. 圣 波利卡普基督教殉道者。阿波斯尔 约翰的学生,在士每拿地方对基督徒的迫害期间被焚死
- Captured and sold to the English by the Burgundians (1430), she was later tried for heresy and sorcery and was burned at the stake in Rouen.She was canonized in 1920. 1430年被勃艮第人俘虏并出卖给英军,后来被控异端邪说及巫术而受到审判并在鲁昂被烧死在火刑柱上。