- I thought he was asleep but he was broad awake. 我以为他已睡熟了,原来他眼睛张得大大的。
- I was broad awake by this time, but, lying perfectly at ease, remained still. 这时我完全醒了,因为躺在那里十分舒适,所以一直没有动。
- be broad awake 完全醒着
- I emptied it at a draught;and feeling broad awake after this internal cold aspersion, sat upright to make a cigarette. 我一口气喝完了它,冷水进入体内让我彻底醒来,我坐了起来,点燃一根烟。
- Education should be broad, although it's fine to have deep interests, too. 接受的教育应该是广泛的,虽然对某些领域情有独钟也不失为一件好事。
- When I awoke it was broad daylight. 当我醒来时天已大亮了。
- Excuse me. I am broad hawley from cambridge. 对不起,我是剑桥来的布罗德霍利。
- The seats at that church were broad, and the hassocks were well stuffed. 那个教堂里的座位很宽,跪垫也垫得均匀。
- His shoulders were broad and his waist narrow. 他肩宽腰窄。
- When he opened his eyes, it was broad daylight. 待他睁开眼睛,已是大白天了。
- The main street of the village was broad. 村子里的大街很宽。
- The functions may be broadly classified as follows. 这些作用可以大致作如下分类。
- It was broad daylight when he arrived at Hesdin. 他到爱司丹时天已经大亮了。
- Yet the Sino-American agenda needs to be broader. 不过,中美议程的内容需要进一步扩大。
- Excuse me.I am Broad Hawley from Cambridge. 对不起,我是剑桥来的布罗德霍利。
- There are broad pastures in the mountains. 山里有宽广的牧场。
- HINDQUARTERS : The rear legs are broad. 尾部:该后腿广阔。
- Conclusion: There would be broad prospects in the application of CQI to quality management of pharmacy department. 结论:持续质量改进在医院药学部的质量管理中具有广阔应用前景。
- It's a pleasure. His eyes are dewy and his eyebrows are broad. 可以。他的眼睛水灵灵的,眉毛宽宽的。
- Ice sheets are broad glaciers that blanket whole regions. 冰盖则是能把整个地区覆盖起来的广阔冰川。