- He was born of plebeian origins. 他出身平民。
- She was born of humble parentage. 她出身卑贱。
- Her socialist beliefs were born of a hatred of injustice. 她的社会主义信念来自她对社会上不公平现象的痛恨。
- He was born of humble parentage. 他出生寒微。
- Plato was born of a distinguished family. 柏拉图出生于名门。
- He was born of creditable parents. 他出生于体面人家。
- He was born of fairly well-to-do parents. 他出身于相当富裕的家庭。
- He was born of a peasant family. 他出生于一个农民家庭。
- It is said that he was born of a teacher's family. 据说他出生于教师的家庭。
- She was born of humbleparentage. 她出生卑贱。
- I was Born of a watchmaker in London. 我出生在伦敦的一个钟表匠家庭。
- He was born of a wealthy family. 他出身于富有家庭。
- Moreover, current football was born of freestyle. 而现代足球的发源也源自与街头足球的演变。
- Byron was born of an aristocratic family of doubtful reputation. 拜伦出生于一个名声有些问题的贵族家庭。
- He was begotten of the Holy Spirit and was born of the Virgin Mary. 祂乃是由圣灵感孕、藉童女马里亚所生。
- It was believed that Mithra, an infant god, was born of a rock. 据信,密斯拉神是一个婴儿神,出身于岩石中。
- These will be born of virgins from the miraculously preserved seed of the prophet Zoroaster himself. 他们是由先知琐罗亚斯德自己通过童贞女奇迹般地怀孕所生。
- The lion-tiger cub was born of a male lion and a female tiger. 这只师虎兽是一头雄师和一头雌虎所生。
- Sb. was born of ... Sb. was born of a peasant family. 某人出生于一个贫穷/富裕/普通的家庭。
- The new political party was born of the disagreement between the parties. 新政党是因两党的不和而产生的。