- be belligerent by nature 好斗成性
- Goods that may be seized and confiscated by a belligerent if shipped to another belligerent by a neutral. 战时禁运品若由中立国运输至交战国一方则交战国另一方可将其扣押并且没收的货物
- He is endowed with a gift in music by nature. 他天生有音乐才能。
- He was, on his own admission, impulsive by nature. 他承认自己生性易于感情冲动。
- He is by nature inclined to be rather lazy. 他天生就很懒。
- She is a girl by nature ill-suited to be a nurse. 她是一个性格不适合当护士的姑娘。
- A coward by nature will always be a coward. 懦夫天生就是懦夫。
- She was endowed by nature with great talents. 她天性聪慧。
- I was still by nature solicitous to be neat. 我却天生酷爱清洁。
- It is not her'way to be selfish,ie She is not selfish by nature. 她并不是个自私的人。
- Anyone who goes against nature will be punished by nature. 违背自然规律的人定要受到自然规律的惩罚。
- They are belligerent in their denouncing of scriptural authority. 他们存心挑衅,藐视圣经的权威。
- It's not her nature to be rude; she's polite by nature. 她的天性不是粗鲁无礼,而是彬彬有礼。
- Man must be disciplined, for he is by nature raw and wild. 人类必须被严格要求,因为人类从本性来讲是原始和野蛮的。
- She is a girl by nature ill-suited to a nurse. 她是一个性格不适合作护士的姑娘。
- Roger, uncommunicative by nature, said nothing. 罗杰天性沉默寡言,他一声不吭。
- He is simple and honest by nature. 他秉性纯朴。
- By nature trees do rot when they are grown. 树长大了自然要腐朽。
- They are by nature fearful and timid. 他们天生就胆小怕事。
- Forster was a venturer by nature. 福尔斯特生来是一位冒险家。