- I was astonished at the news of his escape. 听到他逃之夭夭的消息,我感到惊讶。
- I confess to being astonished at this unexpected statement. 我承认对这种未预料到的供词感到吃惊。
- We were astonished at the news of her sudden death. 她突然去世的消息使我们震惊。
- But results will come,and you will be astonished at the change. 但是一定会有成果的,而且你一定会对变化感到惊讶。
- But results will come, and you will be astonished at the change. 但是一定会有成果的。而且你一定会对这些成果带来的变化感到惊讶。
- She was astonished at the look of reproach on his face. 她对他脸上露出的责备的神色感到惊讶。
- His wife was astonished at the astronomical sum of money he had spent. 他的妻子被他花的天文数字的钱款惊呆了。
- I was astonished at their laughter and gaiety. 可是他们的快乐、欢笑,使我感到惊奇。
- I was astonished at his rudeness. 他的粗野使我大吃一惊。
- We are astonished at his ignorance of his duties. 他对自己职责的无知令我们惊愕。
- The people were astonished at his doctrine. 那些人对他的学说感到惊异。
- He was astonished at what he found. 他发现的情况使他十分惊讶。
- I was astonished at his resignation. 我对他的辞职很吃惊。
- I am astonished at how smart dogs are. 狗竟如此聪明,这让我很惊讶。
- We are astonished at the news of her sudden death. 她突然去世的消息使我们震惊。
- We are astonished at his improvement. 他进步之快,令我们惊讶。
- The disciples were astonished at his words. 门徒希奇他的话。
- We were astonished at the result. 此种结果使我们惊愕
- And the disciples were astonished at his words. 可10:24门徒希奇他的话。
- She was astonished at his vehemence. 她对他的激昂感到惊讶。