- She was admired for the severeness of her beauty. 她因为朴素的美而受到羡慕。
- President Abraham Lincoln was admired for his policies. 亚伯拉罕·林肯总统的政策受到称赞。
- He was admired for his chivalry. 他因他的骑士风度而受到景仰。
- Her skin was admired for its velvety softness. 她的皮肤如天鹅绒般柔软, 令人赞叹。
- be admired for simplicity 因朴素而受人称赞
- He was admired for his savoir-vivre and entertaining anecdotes. 他因精通人情世故及善于讲有趣的轶事而被人仰慕。
- In-calf heifers are admirable for this work. 怀小牛的小母牛最适合这项工作。
- Colin Thubron is a highly praised travel writer whose works are admired for their originality and depth of knowledge. 科林?萨布伦是一名受人推崇的游记作家,其作品的新意和知识深度备受赞誉。
- Admire by for sth He was admired for his courage to speak out he truth. 人人都很钦佩他,因为他说有勇气说出真相。
- For example, ultramarine, made by the grinding of lapis lazuli, and red pigments made of sulphur and silver, were admired for their cost. 如由天青石研磨制成的佛青色、用硫和银制成的红颜料,因其高昂的费用而倍受青睐。
- We assume that all will be under the same machine for simplicity. 为了简单起见,我们假设全部活动都在同一台计算机上。
- In annals ,she was admired for clever people ,at the same time, sneered for the foolish one! 她在典籍中的形象,既有勇于改革的一面,却又有愚鲁难喻的一面。
- He is admired for the elegance of his writing. 他文风高雅令人钦佩。
- The French are admired for their sophisticated civilization ,and pitied for their inferior culture . 德国人欣赏法国人精妙深奥的文明,同时又惋惜其文化之劣。
- Mary is fourth in the to be admired to the sorority. 按次序排,玛丽将是第四个获准加入女生联谊会的人。
- Jean-Paul Sartre and Bertrand Russell, for instance, were admired for denouncing the Vietnam War even by people who had never read their books. 萨特和罗素,比如被推崇为抨击越战,甚至被人从未读过的书籍。
- For simplicity, only one series of data will be used for the pie chart. 为简单起见,饼形图将只用一个数据series。
- Though their function is to cover the holes in streets through which sewers, drains and other structures are reached; manhole covers have long been admired for their beauty. 虽然它们的功能只是遮盖街道上的下水道、水沟或者其他地面设施的检修孔,但井盖的精美设计长期以来就一直受人们赞赏。
- Though their function is to cover the holes in streets through which sewers, drains and other structures are reached;manhole covers have long been admired for their beauty. 虽然他们的主要功能是盖住街道上那些供下水道、排水沟和其他建筑孔流通的小洞,人孔盖长期以来因其美丽而受认可。
- The work inverts some ideas of the science of biomimetics, where cockroaches are admired for their navigational logic, and shuns imitation in favour of using the animal itself. 这个作品将仿生学的概念反转:蟑螂的导航能力向来著名,本作品却刻意不模仿蟑螂,反而是使用蟑螂本身为作品的一部份;