- Once you touch heroin, you will be addicted to it. 你一旦接触海洛因,你就会上瘾的。
- The children are addicted to computer games. (喻)孩子们对计算机游戏上了瘾。
- Maybe I was scard to be addicted to you. 如果说这是人生的必修课题,那我过去必然翘课无数。
- The children are addicted to video games. 孩子们醉心于电视游戏。
- Sex addiction Can women be addicted to sex? 女人与性瘾女人也会有性瘾吗?
- The ones I ve been addicted to over the years? 这几年来令我上瘾的有哪些游戏?
- A lot of people are addicted to cancer sticks. 很多人都嗜烟成癖。
- He was addicted to all sorts of vice . 他沾染上 各种恶习。
- He was addicted to heroin at the age of 17. 他17岁的时候对海洛因上了瘾。
- Have you been addicted to smoking? 你抽烟上瘾了。
- The man was addicted to booze and gambling. 那人沈迷于酗酒和赌博。
- The degree I think they are addicted to sweet. 这一度让我以为自己是嗜甜的。
- Some children are addicted to computer games / TV. 一些孩子玩电脑游戏/看电视上了瘾。
- We are addicted to the power of the wound. 我们对于受伤的权力感到上瘾。
- Your sweet smile, I can not be addicted to your obsession. 你那甜美的笑容,让我不可自拔地迷恋你。
- be addicted to sth 对某事上瘾
- More and more teenagers are addicted to drugs and alcohol nowadays. 现在有越来越多的青少年染上毒瘾及酒瘾。
- The homeless man was addicted to alcohol and heroin. 这个无家可归的人嗜酒且吸食海洛因。
- Those who are addicted to sexual abuse must be mentally ill. 具有性虐待嗜好的人心理肯定不健康。
- We should not be addicted to the Internet, or we'll get our life and study destroyed. 我们不能沉湎于上网,否则就会荒废学业,影响生活。