- The work was acclaimed as a masterpiece. 该作品被誉为杰作。
- It was acclaimed as a great discovery. 那被赞誉为伟大的发现。
- She was acclaimed as the winner. 在欢呼声中她被承认为胜利者。
- He has been acclaimed as one of world most talented player. 他被誉为世界上最有天赋的运动员之一。
- Penicillin was acclaimed as the most important discovery during the 1940' s. 青霉素曾被公认是二十世纪四十年代最重大的发现。
- Penicillin was acclaimed as the most important discovery during the 1940's. 青霉素曾被公认是二十世纪四十年代最重大的发现。
- In March 2003, Birmingham hosted what was acclaimed as one of the finest IAAF World Indoor Athletics Championships. 2003年3月,伯明翰主办了另一重要赛事-国际田联室内田径锦标赛,比赛非常受欢迎,几乎一票难求。
- A few years ago, the dismal science was being acclaimed as a way of explaining ever more forms of human behaviour, from drug-dealing to sumo-wrestling. 就在若干年前,从毒品交易到相扑运动,这门并不艰深的学科还一度号称对人类行为模式提供了越来越多的解释。
- A forlorn pug photographed as he waited for his owner by the side of the road has been acclaimed as the world's saddest dog. 一只被遗弃的哈巴狗在路边等待主人时被拍到,此后被誉为世界上最忧伤的狗。
- He was acclaimed as the winner. 在欢呼声中他被承认为胜利者。
- The delicate French braid hair along her hairline added a playful element to Aniston's hairstyle and was acclaimed as one of the best hairstyles at the Oscars. 沿着发线的精致法式麻花辫是安妮斯顿显得更加活泼,被称赞为今年奥斯卡最漂亮的发型之一。
- Among these plays, the play To Be Arrested were awarded Performance Prize and Corolla Prize at the Third Shanghai Drama Festival, so he was acclaimed as Famous Buffoon Of South Of Changjiang River. 《活 捉》一 剧 荣 获 上 海 第 三 届 戏 剧 节 表 演 奖 和 花 冠 奖,被 誉 为“江 南 名 丑”。
- Among these plays,the play To Be Arrested were awarded Performance Prize and Corolla Prize at the Third Shanghai Drama Festival,so he was acclaimed as Famous Buffoon Of South Of Changjiang River. 在这些剧中,《活捉》一剧荣获上海第三届戏剧节表演奖和花冠奖,所以他被誉为“江南名丑”。
- Long time drinking it will make curative effect on stomach problem、 heart disease、 migraine、 ear-nose disease、 rheumatism and skin problem etc varied chronic disease, be acclaimed as holy water. 长期饮用,对胃病、脏病、经性头痛、鼻及风湿病、肤病等多种慢性病症均有疗效,被世人誉为对水。
- He not only has natural and unrestrained performance, resonant voice and superb skills of singing and recitation, but also can play Beijing Opera. So he was acclaimed as Little Yu Zhen-Fei. 能 昆 能 京,唱 念 俱 佳。 他 的 音 色 宽 厚 宏 亮,表 演 洒 脱 大 方。 深 得 乃 师 俞 振 飞 先 生 真 传,有“小 俞 振 飞”之 美 誉。
- Confuscius is acclaimed as a great thinker. 孔子被赞誉为伟大的思想家。
- Their decision have be acclaimed all over the globle. 她们的决定受到了全全地球的欢迎。
- The new drug has been acclaimed the most important discovery for years. 这种新药被公认是近年来最重大的发现。
- Even European films as critically acclaimed as Good Bye Lenin! 即使备受称赞的欧洲影片《再见列宁》和影片《日历女孩》在整个欧洲也仅售出了920万和510万张门票。
- Our lipstick is acclaimed as the best selling lipstick this year. 我们的口红被誉为今年销售最佳的口红。