- Supposed to be a symbol of endless love. 它们是塑胶的,永不凋谢。那些花象征永恒的爱。
- Rosy cheeks are a symbol of good health. 红润的面颊是健康的象征。
- The cloud was a symbol of divine guidance. 云彩是神的指引的象征。
- The egg has always been a symbol of new life. 蛋一向是新生命的象征。
- In Chinese culture, antlers are a symbol of power. 在中国文化中,鹿角象征权力;
- This bronze tripod used to be a symbol of emperorship. 这个铜鼎曾经是代表国家政权的神器。
- Only Parker can be a match for me them. 跟他们较量的人只有帕克。
- It will be a fertility of year for much raining. 因为雨水多,今年会是丰产的一年。
- May be a little austere for foreign taste. 可能对外国口味而言过于朴素了些。
- White has always been a symbol of purity in Western cultures. 在西方文化中,白色一向象征纯洁。
- The bridal bouquet has traditionally been a symbol of fertility. 在传统上,新娘花束时儿女满堂的象征。
- I'll be a super secretary for you. 我将成为你极好的秘书。
- The Egyptians believed that beans were a symbol of immortality. 埃及人相信豆子是不朽的象征。
- The sacred snowdrop has long been a symbol of purity and hope. 圣洁的雪花莲久远以来就是纯洁和希望的象征。
- This rain will be a blessing for the farmers. 对农民来说,这场雨真是一场甘霖。
- Like the tempest, Prospero’s books are a symbol of his power. 喜欢暴风雨,普洛斯彼罗的书是他的力量一个符号。
- Go on, be a devil. Try a whiskey for a change. 来,大胆些,尝尝威士忌酒,换换口味。
- He's not cut out for teaching/to be a teacher. 他不是当教师的材料。
- It is said to be a symbolic sight of Dongshan Island. 据说是东山岛的标志性景观。
- Will you wait for me? I shan't be a minute. 等等我行吗? 我马上就好。