- I am tired of doing nothing. 我整天闲着没事,实在无聊。
- He was tired of doing the same work every day. 他厌烦每天做同样的工作。
- I was tired of doing the same thing every day. 天天做的事几乎一模一样,使我感到厌烦得要命。
- He was tired of doing that boring job. 他厌倦了做那项枯燥的工作。
- Then you can talk to Dr Crippen, when you get tired of doing nothing. 那样,你闲得发慌时就可以和克里平博士聊聊。
- One girl defended the seduction of Adam on the grounds that Eve was tired of lying around Paradise doing nothing, day in and day out. 有位女生为诱惑亚当辩解,说夏娃厌倦了在天堂里无所事事,日复一日年复一年都是如此。
- We are tired of the interminable waiting. 这种无止境的干等让我们厌倦。
- I am tired of it, the same old story. 我已经厌倦了,都是老一套。
- We are tired of his incessant complaining. 我们对他没完没了的埋怨感到厌烦。
- You'll soon be tired of the game. 很快你就会对这种游戏感到厌倦的。
- It never be tired of solving my puzzles. 它为我寻找答案,从不疲倦。
- She has become tired of doing such things. 做这样的事他已经厌烦了。
- They were sick of doing nothing. 他们闲得发腻。
- He was tired of running errands for his sister. 他已厌烦给姐姐当跑腿了。
- She was tired of watching television. 她看电视看得厌倦了。
- I am tired of his endless interruptions. 我讨厌他不断的打扰。
- I am tired of his everlasting complaints. 我厌倦了他不断的抱怨。
- He is tired of doing the same work every day. 他厌烦每天做同样的工作。
- She was tired of her husband's dictation. 她对丈夫的发号施令感到厌烦。
- I am tired of the empty rhetoric of politicians. 我讨厌政客们的花言巧语。