- He was suddenly aroused by a slight noise. 他突然被一个很小的声音惊醒。
- But the motions should never be sudden and jerky. 但动作决不是突然的和急促的。
- She seemed to be suddenly filled with energy. 她好像突然间就充满了活力。
- He was suddenly seized with panic. 他突然惊恐万分。
- Radio contact was suddenly broken. 无线电联络突然中断了。
- Her voice was suddenly heard behind the scenes. 她的声音在后台突然传了出来。
- After forty years of service, Tom was suddenly let out. 汤姆服务了40年,突然被解雇。
- The curtain was suddenly drawn and a bright light shone in. 突然窗帘拉了开来,一道强光照了进来。
- Okay. But you should know that sudden serious brain injury causes the victim to bite down. Hard. “好的。可你要知道,大脑受到突如其来的猛烈伤害会使受害者用力的咬合。”
- Anna startled them all by being suddenly seized with faintness. 安娜的突然昏厥使他们都吃了一惊。
- Andy Dufresne: All right.But you should know that sudden serious brain injury causes the victim to bite down hard. 好吧,但你应该知道,突然的重度脑损伤导致受害人嗜咬得非常厉害。
- The curtains were suddenly drawn and a bright light shone out across the lawn. 窗帘突然拉开,一道强光透出,射到草坪那边。
- His kindness was suddenly overtaken by the threats. 他的和颜悦色突然变成了威胁和恐吓。
- She was suddenly wide awake, her nerves jangling. 她突然间清醒过来,神经焦躁不安。
- He was suddenly cut off by an heart attack. 他因心脏病发作而突然死去。
- The window of the inn was suddenly smashed in. 突然有人从外面打破了旅馆的窗子。
- After being taken back 200 years, we were suddenly returned to the present day. 我们刚才还处在200年前的历史场景之中,一下子又回到了现在。
- She was suddenly fired with creative inspiration. 她突然爆发出创作灵感。
- Stephen was suddenly very attentive. 斯蒂芬突然警觉起来。
- All doubts were suddenly erased from his mind. 他心中所有的疑虑突然烟消云散了。