- This quaint custom should be revived. 应该恢复这一独特的风俗。
- Of them, 3 were suffered from transplant rejection after 1st NAST and the remaining 3 were stable mixed chimerism. 结果6例患者中第1次NAST后发生排斥反应3例,难治复发白血病呈混合嵌合性植入3例。
- Let every spirit be revived again. 让每个灵魂再次活过来。
- Hebrew used in Israel today; revived from ancient Hebrew. 现代以色列人所使用的希伯来语;由古代希伯来语复兴而来。
- A Valkyrie who is revived from an enchanted sleep by Sigurd. 布琳希尔德战神奥丁的侍女之一,被施了魔法后沉睡不醒,后被西格德解救
- These days, the issue of psychotronic weapons seems to be reviving. 最近,精神电子武器的问题似乎回来了。
- Amecian is reviving from the low in the first quater. 后句:美国经济正从第一季度的低谷中恢复增长。
- Words which fall into disuse may sometimes be revived with a new meaning. 废而不用的词有时会有新意而再用起来。
- May the churches there be revived and strengthened mightily by God. 愿教会能得著复兴,成为神大大重用的器皿。
- Some of the old plays we had seen years before are revived on the stage. 我们多年前看过的旧戏中有几出重又上演了。
- A deep sleep entire winter zoology and botany all has revived from the sleep. 沉睡了一整个冬天的动植物都从睡梦中苏醒过来。
- The miserable scene was revived in my mind. 在我的脑海里又回忆起那幅悲惨的景象。
- It was plain that the ordinance could never be revived. 显然这个章程是决不会再提出来了。
- Some of the old plays we had seen years before were revived on the stage. 我们多年前看过的旧戏中有几出重又上演了。
- Hence the near-universal agreement that securitisation needs to be revived. 因此,大家几乎一致达成的共识是证券化需要复活。
- The project was revived in the following year. 这一计划在次年又被重新提出。
- A babel of voices could be heard from the street. 可以听见街上一阵噪囔的声音。
- The exaction was revived by Richard I. 这种苛捐杂税被查理一世加以恢复。
- He was revived in the fresh air. 新鲜的空气使他苏醒过来。
- Some of the films I had seen were revived. 我看过的影片中有几部再次上映了。