- Stress should be put on the prevention of diseases. 疾病应以预防为主。
- More cars have to be put on during the rush hours. 在高峰时间不得不增加车辆以供使用。
- The war criminals will be put on trial. 战争罪犯将受到审判。
- The coach was full so a relief was put on. 长途汽车已满员,所以增开了一辆。
- The new colour TV will be put on the market soon. 新型彩电不久即将投放市场。
- This must be put on the agenda and studied. 这个问题应当提到议事日程上加以研究。
- The patient was put on a drip after her operation. 那个病人动过手术後就打点滴。
- A new coat of varnish was put on the floor. 地板上新涂了一层清漆。
- She was put on a diet of only 1600 calories a day. 她被限定每天只吃含一千六百大卡热量的食物。
- Her name has been put on the ballot. 她已被列为候选人。
- You'll be put on next,make sure that you re ready. 下一场将让你表演,做好准备。
- A short play will be put on at the party. 晚会上要上演一个短剧。
- A comedy is to be put on at the Capital Theatre. 首都剧院将上演一部喜剧。
- Only one file can be put on each raw partition. 每个原始分区上只能存放一个文件。
- Pressure was put on them to delay the games indefinitely. 他们受到压力,让他们把运动会无限期推迟下去。
- The district was put on red alert during a terrorist bomb scare. 这个地区在得到恐怖主义者轰炸后作了应急准备。
- The murderer will be put on trial. 这杀人犯将受到审判。
- Large books can be put on a mini-computer. 一些大部头著作可储存在一个微型电脑上。
- Large books can be put on a single microchip. 一些大部头著作可储存在一个微型集成电路片上。
- Should I look older just to be put on the shelf? 我应该看起来更成熟些才能更受欢迎吗?