- God said, "Let the waters under heaven be gathered into one place, so that dry land may appear"; and so it was. 上帝说:“天下之水要汇于一处,使干涸土地显露!”于是就出现土地。
- The custom which is in fashion at one place may not be so at another. 一个地方流行的风俗在另一个地方不一定流行。
- God said,"Let the waters under heaven be gathered into one place,so that dry land may appear"; and so it was. 上帝说:“天下之水要汇于一处,使干涸土地显露!”于是就出现土地。
- The elders were gathered at the front of the tent. 长老们聚集在帐篷的前面。
- God said,"Let the waters under heaven be gathered into one place, so that dry landmay appear"; and so it was. 上帝说:“天下之水要汇于一处,使干涸土地显露!”于是就出现土地。
- And God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear." And it was so. 神说:“天下的水要聚在一处,使旱地露出来。”事就这样成了。
- The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. 搜捕工作证明是很困难的,因为人们看到的这只美洲狮常常是早上在一个地方,而晚上又在二十英里之外的另一个地方。
- Group of guns or missile launchers operated together at one place. 在同一地方同时开动一组大炮或导弹的发射人员。
- Thousands of welcomers were gathered at the airport. 机场聚集了几千名来欢迎的人。
- If they are disappointed at one place, the drillers go to another. 直译“在相当高的层次”,意译为“在较高的位置”-->“在较浅的地方”
- This forces parched buffalo, waterbucks, and other lion prey to gather at one of the few remaining sources of water. 对此,罗兰-凯表示,他不相信单单凭着该国家公园的举措,就能使这些狮子很好地受到人们的长期保护。
- A message sent out at one place to another or received from another place through a Tele-printer is called Telex. 一则电文通过电传打字机从一地传送到另一地,或者由电传打字机从另一地接收,这就叫作“电传”。
- G8 leaders are gathering at the summit in Japan. 八国集团领袖在日本举行的G8峰会上同台亮相。
- Now many people were gathered at Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread in the second month, a very large assembly. 二月,有许多人在耶路撒冷聚集,成为大会,要守除酵节。
- At one time or another, in one place or anothr, some of these indictments have been valid. 这些指责中有些在某些时候和某些地方是确有根据的。
- At one time or another, in one place or another, some of these indictments have been valid. 这些指责中有些在某些时候和某些地方是确有根据的。
- A crowd gathered at the scene of the fire. 许多人聚集在火灾现场。
- This is similar with me .alway looks for the food frequently,otherwise stay motionless at one place. 和我很相似的习惯,总是频繁的找食,不然就在一个地方一动不动。
- Some people do stay at one place, but that is the difference between an able person and not ables. 夫妻一起移民的压力与单独一人移民的压力相比,哪个要更大一些呢?
- At one place of monitoring mosquitoes,twenty genera,three kinds,twenty-four files is caught. 一个蚊类监测点捕获成蚊2属3种24只。