- That town was destroyed in a big fire. 那个城镇在一场大火中被毁了。
- The rebel forces were destroyed in battle. 反叛力量在战争中被打垮了
- A great many trees were destroyed in the storm. 好多树在这场暴风雨中被毁坏了。
- Priceless antiques were destroyed in the fire. 无价之宝的古董在大火中焚毁。
- Category 2 chemical weapons were destroyed in 2004. 2004年未销毁任何第2类化学武器。
- Wing of the castle was destroyed in a fire. 古堡的北翼毁于一场大火。
- Part of the building was destroyed in the fire. 建筑物有一部分已烧毁。
- The tapes were destroyed in 2005. 该录像带于2005年被消毁。
- The house was destroyed in the big fire. 那栋房子毁于大火。
- The whole city was destroyed in the earthquake. 在地震中整个城市都毁掉了。
- The Osborn mansion was destroyed in Spiderman 3. 奥斯本的大宅最终在蜘蛛侠3中被摧毁。
- Most of the houses in the city were destroyed in the earthquake. 城里大多数的房子在地震中毁了。
- The town was destroyed in the war,but the library remained. 城市在战争中毁了,但是图书馆还在。
- Several of the paintings were destroyed in the fire. 那些画有好几幅被大火烧毁了。
- Large areas of forest have been destroyed in recent years. 近年来大面积的森林被破坏了。
- Large parts of the house were destroyed in the fire. 房屋的大部分在火灾中烧毁了。
- A great part of the houses and fields were destroyed in the flood. 在洪水中大部分房屋和田地被毁坏。
- The factory was destroyed in a fire started by arsonists. 工厂在纵火犯引起的火灾中烧毀了。
- The temple was destroyed in the violent eruption of 1470 BC. 庙宇在公元前1470 年猛烈的火山爆发中摧毁了。
- Simple transactions are destroyed in a world without formalities. 简单的交易在没有规则的世界被摧毁了。