- Instead of being called travelers, they are known as tourists. 人们不把他们称为旅行者,而是叫做游客。
- Halloween was called Samhain by the Irish. It came to be known as Halloween sometime around the fifth century A.D. . 万圣节在爱尔兰被叫做Samhain,公元第5世纪开始被称为万圣节。
- What has been known as codename Morro will apparently be called Microsoft Security Essentials.Screenshots inside. 原文引用: A pre-beta version of Microsoft's upcoming antivirus app (and Windows Defender replacement) has been leaked.
- The Vikings who invaded England were called Danes, and those who invaded France were known as the Normans. 侵略英格兰的斯堪的纳维亚人叫做丹麦人,侵略法国的则被称为诺曼人。
- Outside the City of Chang'an, by the river of Jinghe, there lived two worthies. One was called Zhang Shao, a fisherman; the other was known as Li Ding, a woodman. 却说长安城外径河岸边,有两个贤人:一个是渔翁,名唤张稍;一个是樵子,名唤李定。
- Some resins when soft are known as oleo-resins, and when containing benzoic acid or cinnamic acid they are called balsams. 树脂 是一种来自多种植物,特别是松柏类植物的烃(碳氢化合物)类的分泌物。
- In all the Buddha, Manjusri even been called "Dazhi" Zunhao, he assisted the Buddha Sakyamuni promote the first, King was known as the Prince Wenshushili law. 在诸大菩萨中,文殊更被冠以"大智"的尊号,他作为辅佐释迦牟尼弘扬佛法的上首,被敬称为文殊师利法王子。
- This design came to be known as the Oriental style. 这种设计后来被称为东方风格。
- Mr.Johnson was known as a walking dictionary. 约翰逊先生被称作一本活字典。
- But instead of being called travelers,they are known as tourists and they are seen all over the world floating down the Amazon ,cruising to Alas-ka,flying from Timbuktu to Easter Island,and taking pictures of Norwegian churches and Pakistani costumes. 但是人们不把他们称为旅行者,而是称为游客,世界各地都有他们的踪迹:有的沿亚马孙河顺流而下,有的乘船到阿拉斯加去,有的从了伯克都飞往伊斯特岛,还有的去拍摄挪威的教堂和巴基斯坦人的服饰。
- He who plots evil will be known as a schemer. 设计作恶的,必称为奸人。
- But instead of being called travelers, they are known as tourists and they are seen all over the world floating down the Amazon, cruising to Alas-ka, flying from Timbuktu to Easter Island, and taking pictures of Norwegian churches and Pakistani costumes. 但是人们不把他们称为旅行者,而是称为游客,世界各地都有他们的踪迹:有的沿亚马孙河顺流而下,有的乘船到阿拉斯加去,有的从了伯克都飞往伊斯特岛,还有的去拍摄挪威的教堂和巴基斯坦人的服饰。
- But instead of being called travelers, they are known as tourists and they are seen all over the world floating down the Amazon , cruising to Alas-ka, flying from Timbuktu to Easter Island, and taking pictures of Norwegian churches and Pakistani costumes. 但是人们不把他们称为旅行者,而是称为游客,世界各地都有他们的踪迹:有的沿亚马孙河顺流而下,有的乘船到阿拉斯加去,有的从了伯克都飞往伊斯特岛,还有的去拍摄挪威的教堂和巴基斯坦人的服饰。
- Commercial moneylenders already operated alongside the bond market (they were known as banchieri) but the Bank of Saint George was the first institution in Genoa that could be called a bank. 商业放贷者已伴随债券市场(这些放贷者被人们称为银行家)一道经营运作,但是圣乔治银行才是第一个在热那亚能被称为银行的机构。
- Philadelphia may be known as home of the establishment and ethnics. 费城也许是名门和族裔之乡。
- For the rest of his life,he could be known as the silver-medal-man. 他今生就只能作为银牌选手而著称于世了。
- The princess will be known as Princess Mycella from this point on. 从这里开始知道公主名叫。
- Exiling a card used to be known as "removing it from the game. 如果你让闪电击向某鹏洛客造成伤害,则会从其上移去三个忠诚指示物。
- A thing comprehended is a thing known as fully as it can be known. 被领悟的事情是指被充分了解了的事情。