- I determined to be bold and speak the truth. 我决心大胆把真话讲出来。
- You should be bold and resolute. 你应该大刀阔斧。
- Planners of tunnels can now be bold and visionary. 因此,隧道规划师不但要果敢而且还要富有远见。
- Benguela food should be Bold and the atmosphere. 吃格拉条应该豪放、大气。
- The Athenians were bold and enterprising. 雅典人勇敢而富有进取心。
- Lisu people are bold and unconstrained by nature. 男人种植谷物,赶马帮;
- This lad, who had a bold and reckless air, had come by night to join the insurgents. 这孩子,好象既不畏惧,也无顾虑,深夜跑来找那些起义的人。
- Her expressions towards love were bold and traitorous. 她对爱情的表达是大胆的、叛逆的。
- His poems are bold and unconstrained as well as plain and simple. 他的诗,既有豪放恣肆的一面,又有着平淡质朴的一面。
- With both power and strong backing from the underworld, you feared nothing. You did whatever you wanted. That is you, a bold and reckless man! 因为您什么都不怕,您不但有权力,您也有有强大的黑后台,可以为所欲为!事实证明,正是这样!
- The very difficulty of her state encouraged her to be bold and demanding. 困难的处境逼着她壮起胆子,并且进一步提出要求。
- His plans were bold and fiery, and his conceptions glowed with barbaric lustre. 他的设计豪放不羁,他的主意如同迸射出的犷悍的火花。
- And we must be bold and not be afraid of making mistakes or of being criticized. 要有一点精神,不要怕挨批判,不要怕犯错误。
- He was made to be niggardly and reckless. 他既嗜钱如命,又挥金如土。
- Whatever we may think of the wisdom of his plans, no one can deny that they are bold and imaginative. 不管我们对他的计划的精明有什么看法,没有人能否认这些计划是大胆而富有想像力的。
- Be bold, persevere and you can succeed! 大胆,坚持,取得成功!
- His carriage was bold and somewhat supercilious, his step easy and free, his manner daring and unconstrained. 他仪表大方,甚至略带傲慢,步履潇酒,神态从容。
- Now he was unrestrained and reckless. 现在他肆无忌惮,任意妄为。
- His carriage was bold and somewhat supercilious, his step easy and free, his manner daring and unconstrained . 他仪表大方,甚至略带傲慢,步履潇酒,神态从容。
- In the struggle of the family of eunuch HOU lan, he was bold and decisive in action, righteously indignant. 在对宦官侯览及其家族的斗争中,他敢作敢为,大义凛然。