- He must be among them,but I can't pick him out. 他一定在他们中间,但是我认不出来。
- Some of our staff are to be dismissed, but I hasten to add you won't be among them. 有些职员要被解雇,不过请放心,你不在此列。
- His Wessex-wide repute was among them alone. 他在维塞司闻名的范围,也完全限于这般人。
- Former South African President Nelson Mandela and Microsoft chairman Bill Gates will be among them. 其中包括前南非总统尼尔森?曼德拉和微软总裁比尔?盖茨。
- And we certainly don't want to be among them, or to shepherd our children into their flock. 我们肯定不愿意成为他们中的一员,也不愿自己的后代步他们的后尘。
- He is so good to those that be good, that I would fain be among them and feel myself full of thankfulness every day. 因祂是这样的好,那些行事正直的人,在上帝面前,可以时时充满感恩的心。
- Of machinist job " constituent structure is optimized " be among them one of battle. 机械工业的“组织结构优化”是其中战争之一。
- CICS from ibm company and Tuxedo from bea company are among them. 他们能够在复杂的网络环境中有效工作,其中最具有代表性的事务中间件产品要数IBM 公司的CICS,BEA 公司的Tuxedo。
- The king, who was among them, was sobbing uniquely in his grief. 而国王,在他们之中,是哭得最悲痛的一个。
- I am among them, among their battling bodies in a medley, the joust of life. 我也是他们当中的一员,夹在那些你争我夺、混战着的身躯当中,一场生活的拼搏。
- Some of our staff are to be dismissed, but I hastento add you won't be among them. 有些职员要被解雇,不过请放心,你不在此列。
- People are waiting for more games that support the newer EAX 3 and 4.I bet Half Life 2 and Doom III will be among them. 人们正在等候支援较新的 EAX 3 的较多游戏和 4.;我打赌了一半的生活 2 而且命中注定 3 将会是在他们之中。
- If new successful companies do emerge from Asia, South Korean firms will be well poised to be amongst them. 如果有新的成功的(制药)企业在亚洲出现的话,那么韩国的企业是其中准备得最佳的。
- The prince is to be among them, going in when they go in and going out when they go out. 民进入,王也要在民中进入;民出去,王也要一同出去。
- World-class skiing, mountain climbing, mountain hiking and white-water rafting are among them. 世界级的滑雪、登山、山地远足和激流泛舟便是其中几样。
- The lines of the eight-spoked on the soles and palms of a Buddha are among them. 佛陀脚底和手掌的八条辐轮线也是它们其中之一。
- Now there were among them of the children of Juda, Daniel, Ananias, Misael, and Azarias. 他们中为犹大后裔的,有达尼尔、阿纳尼雅、米沙耳和阿匝黎雅。
- World-class skiing, mountain climbing, mountain hiking, and white-water rafting are among them. 世界级的滑雪、登山、健行和白水泛舟便是其中几样。
- When she entered the tower, found her friend Arthur was among them, they started with adventure. 当她进入塔内,发现了她的朋友亚瑟也在其中,于是他们开始了一同冒险。
- And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,) then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them. 看哪,所说的快要应验。应验了,他们就知道在他们中间有了先知。