- The degree of fracture development and oil-bearing are bad in turn in interdistributary bay deposit, mouth bar, subaqueous distributary channel. 分流间湾、河口坝、水下分流河道微相裂缝发育依次变差,试油效果次之;
- On the basis of it, sedimentary microfacies of submerged distributary channel, branching mouth bars, tributary bay and distal bar were discerned. 在此基础上,识别出了水下分流河道、分支河口坝、支流间湾和远砂坝等微相类型;
- Thirty species of dinoflagellate cysts in 15 genus are identified from KMZK5 Core samples of recent marine sediment at the Luoyuan Bay mouth, Fujian. 摘要通过对福建罗源湾口海域KMZK5柱状沉积物中甲藻孢囊的分析,共鉴定出15属30种甲藻孢囊。
- The grain size of the sediment in distributary mouth bar is coarser than that in the crevasse splay sediment. 三角洲前缘河口砂坝沉积物粒度较平原决口扇粗。
- The Jiaozhou Bay is a tidal inlet of bedrock bay type, the typical flood and ebb tidal deltas are developed inside and outside the bay mouth, and the geomorphologic system in the bay is complete. 胶州湾属基岩海湾型潮汐通道,湾口内、外发育较为典型的涨、落潮流三角洲,地貌体系较为完整。
- Oil and gas were mainly inhabited in the distributary channel and mouth bar of deltaic front.Reservoir properties, faults and low amplitude struc... 油气分布主要受控于三角洲前缘相水下分支河道、河口坝型砂体,岩性控制油气分布,储层物性、断层、低幅度构造控制油气富集高产。
- Subaqueous distributary channel is the most favorable facies belt, followed by frontal sheet sand, subaqueous main channel, mouth bar and distal bar. 提出水下分流河道砂体是最有利储层发育的微相类型,其次为前缘席状砂、水下主河道、河口坝和远砂坝微相。
- SpareDescription: Tendency of deposition in the Guanting reservoir and dredging on mouth bar of the Guishuihe estuary are analyzed by the data from the model experiments. 描述:在实体模型试验的基础上,对官厅水库的泥沙淤积发展和妫水河口拦门沙的清淤疏浚措施进行了研究。
- Chang-3 member belongs to an environment of delta frontal subfacies.The primary types of the reservoirs include distributary channel sandbodies, river mouth bar sandbodies. 长3油层属于三角洲前缘亚相沉积环境 ,其储层的主要成因类型为水下分流河道砂体、河口坝砂体,次为前缘席状砂和远砂坝。
- Five microfacies sandbodies including distributary channel, mouth bar, front sheet sand, gravity flow sand and overbank sand are developed in the fan delta front. 在扇三角洲前缘主要发育水下分流河道、河口坝、前缘席状砂体、重力流砂体、水下溢岸砂体5种微相砂体。
- Comparison between different sedimentary facies of identical depth presents that distributary channel has best physical quality, cch and mouth bar is next to it, and cvs and sch is poorest. 进行了同一深度段不同沉积相的储集性能比较,发现分流河道砂体具有最好的孔渗性,决口河道砂体和河口坝砂体次之,决口扇砂体和水下分流河道砂体最差。
- The treatment of ANN lithofacies shows that typical delta facies include distal bar,mouth bar,subaqueous distributary channel,interdistributary estuary in delta front,delta plain branch channel and inter branch channel in ascending order. ANN(神经网络 )岩相处理结果表明 ,典型的三角洲沉积岩相序列自下而上依次为三角洲前缘远砂坝、河口砂坝、水下分流河道、分流间湾、三角洲平原分支河道及分支河道间沉积 ,将其结果与录井岩性序列对比 ,符合率非常高。
- It is believed that submerged branch channel and distributary mouth bar are better oil and gas reservoirs in this area,and braided channel,turbidite sandstone,sand sheet and splay sandstone are next. 研究认为,水下分流河道、河口砂坝是该区最好的油气储集体,其它微相依次为辫状河道、浊积岩、前缘席状砂和决口扇。
- The identification mark was the sorted microfacies combination of underwater distributary channel,mouth bar and distal bar,where the structural characteristics of sediment were dominant. 其识别标志是以水下分流河道、河口砂坝和远砂坝三种沉积微相沉积构造特征为主导的多种微相组合形式。
- Our room opened upon a view of the bay. 从我们房间可以看到海湾。
- Fangpu 96-44 well area mainly is controlled by north provenance (sometimes by west provenance),which exists underwater distributary channel,subwater distributary interchannel,mouth bar and sand sheet. 芳葡96-44井区主要受北部物源控制(有时偏西),主要发育水下分流河道、水下分流河道间、河口坝、远砂坝、坝间、席状砂等沉积微相。
- In this system, front distributary channel, mouth bar, interdistributary channel, plain braided channel and inter braided channel are main sandbodies in Tuyuke area of Tainan sag in Tuha basin. 其储集特征主要受岩性、沉积微相、成岩作用等因素控制,前缘分流河道砂体和河口坝砂体物性好,原生孔隙及次生孔隙均较发育,辫状河道及河道间砂体物性较差。
- I'm trying to keep my creditors at bay. 我竭力躲避债主。
- They include mainly subaqueous distributory channal,flood plain,river mouth bar,sheet bar,distal bar and prodelta clay sedimentary microfacies,and channel bar and flood plain splay submicrofacies. 不同沉积微相由于其储层非均质性强弱不同,导致对油层物性、含油气性以及油气产能的影响不同。