- An old Air Force war horse is getting a new assignment. 一架空军旧式飞机奉命执行一项新的任务。
- Alexander the Great's war horse. 布赛佛勒斯伟大的亚历山大的战马
- Often the lead horse is a military or war horse. 一般而言,领队马通常是一匹军用马或战马。
- The horse is a war horse, it can't be used as a work horse. 这些马匹是用来打仗的,不能随便役用。
- Armor used to protect the front of a war horse's head in medieval times. 马盔中世纪用来保护战马头前部的盔甲。
- Father helps me feed my battle steed 阿爸帮我饮战马
- Here was just the wasteland of Chinese history : the dense clop of war horses, the thunder of battle cries and the pour of blood . 这里正是中华历史的荒原:如雨的马蹄,如雷的呐喊,如注的热血。
- The major is an old war horse who'll bore you with tales of his wartime exploits,if you let him. 少校是一个老兵,要是你让他讲话,他要讲的战绩故事多得会使你感到厌烦。
- Its wife “Red Wolf” is an ill-humored war horse who is dressing up herself beautifully as “Queen” everyday and is very harsh to its husband. 它的老婆“红太狼”是个坏脾气的厉害角色,每天把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮,如同“皇后”一般,对丈夫却十分苛刻。
- The battle finally brought the war to an end. 这一仗使这场战争终告结束。
- If the horseshoe is not broken, the steed (war horsed) will not died in the battle; 如果没有坏了一只蹄铁,就不会折了一匹战马;
- They won the battle but lost the war. 他们赢了这次战斗,但输了这场战争。
- A war horse. 一匹战马
- "Those from Beth-togarmah gave horses and war horses and mules for your wares. 结27:14陀迦玛族用马和战马并骡子、兑换你的货物。
- if the steed (war horsed) doesn't die in the battle, the knight will not be wounded; 如果没有折了一匹战马,就不会伤了一位骑士;
- He was maimed in a First World War battle. 他在第一次世界大战的一埸战斗中受伤致残。
- This article started with a textual research of the amount of war horse in Qing dynasty, and main discussed the historical changes from three angles, just as establishment for cavalry troop, livestock farm management, and the horse administration. 本文从清代战马数量考释入手,探讨了清朝经制军队的马队建制、牧场建设及清代马政在嘉道以降的废弛情况。
- He died in the last ditch in a fierce battle. 他在一次激战中奋战而死。
- The queen and Prince Philip apologetically squeezed past other theater-goers to get into their seats for the West End production of World War One play "War Horse" at the New London Theater. 女王和菲利普亲王抱歉地挤过其他观众得以进入新伦敦剧院他们的座位,观看伦敦西区出品的第一次世界大战剧目“战马”。
- The whole war pivoted on a single battle. 整个战争取决於一场战斗。