- batch sequency number 分批顺序号
- batch sequence number [计] 分批顺序号
- Starting transaction log sequence number of the failed execution batch. 失败的执行批处理的起始事务日志序列号。
- Bad system file sequence number. 损坏的系统文件顺序编号。
- The sequence number of the log record. 日志记录的序列号。
- The sequence number of the transaction. 事务的序列号。
- The snapshot transaction sequence number. 快照事务序列号。
- Update sequence number for changes to safety_level. safety_level更改的更新序列号。
- The audit account has a sequence number of 1. 审核帐户的序列号为1。
- The media sequence number of a disk is always 1. 磁盘的媒体序列号始终为1。
- Used only by the Distribution Agents, this is the transaction log sequence number of the first transaction in the failed execution batch. 仅由分发代理使用,是失败的执行批处理中第一个事务的日志序列号。
- Log sequence number of the last transaction in the backup set. 备份集中最后一个事务的日志序列号。
- Log sequence number of the log record where redo must start. 日志记录中重做必须开始的日志序列号。
- Log sequence number of the next log record after the backup set. 备份集之后的下一条日志记录的日志序列号。
- Log sequence number of transaction record where mark occurred. 出现标记的事务记录的日志序列号。
- The sequence number of the last system message for this dialog. 此对话的最后一个系统消息的序号。
- Specifies the highest exact sequence number to return. 指定要返回的最高精确序列号。
- Are sequence numbers generated in order. 序列号是否按顺序生成。
- Specifies the lowest valued exact sequence number to return. 指定要返回的取值最低的精确序列号。
- This paper presents suffcient conditions of the existence of optimal batch sequences when all jobs form one batch for some batching scheduling models. 摘要研究了目标函数为完工时间平方和及最大延迟的分批排序问题存在仅分一批的最优解的充分条件。