- basophil leucocyte 嗜碱性白细胞
- Basophil is not found in blood smears. 在扫描电镜下,红细胞椭圆形,表面光滑,无突起;
- The distinction of leucocyte and leucocyte? ? ? 白细胞和白血球的区别???
- What should leucocyte on the low side notice? 白血球偏低应注意什么?
- Check leucocyte to note several need hollow? 查白细胞记数需要空腹吗?
- How do calculate blood middle leucocyte contents? 怎样计算血液中白细胞含量?
- Lymphocyte is a kind of leucocyte of small volume. 淋巴细胞是一种体积较小的白细胞。
- How does the fleetness increase a leucocyte? 如何快速增加白细胞?
- Cannot the person with tall leucocyte become an operation? Why? 白血球高的人是不是不能做手术?为什么?
- Leucocyte index was achieved more than 10000, what to mean? 白血球指标达到了一万多,意味着什么?
- Take demulcent drug for a long time, can leucocyte decrease? 长期服用镇痛药,白细胞会减少吗?
- What symptom does human body leucocyte cause many times too? 人体白细胞过多回引发什么症状?
- Does leucocyte decrease what to harm have to the body? 白细胞减少对身体有什么危害?
- Child 6 years old of leucocyte 17000 how to do, dangerous? 小孩六岁白血球17000怎么办,危险吗?
- Unusual increase can have leucocyte how many odds gets leukaemia. 白细胞异常增多会有多少几率得白血病。
- Methods Skin tests with autologous serum and basophil histamine-release assay (BHRA)were performed. 方法自身血清皮肤试验和嗜碱性粒细胞组胺释放试验。
- basophilic leucocyte 嗜碱,白细胞
- There are three kind of granule around the mucleus of basophil and two kinds of granule in neutrophil. 嗜中性粒细胞含有两种电子密度、形态不一的颗粒。
- Basophil is a branch of white blood cell.Slight increase of basophil alone carries no significance. 医治念珠菌阴道炎,通常是用三几天的药塞便可以痊愈的,痊愈不难,果难的是避免再发作。