- BSC Basic message Switching Center 基本报文交换中心
- basic message switching center 基本信息交换中心, 基本电文交换中心
- automatic digital message switching center 自动数字电报转报中心
- automatic message switching center 自动报文交换中心
- semiautomatic message switching center 半自动信息交换中心,半自动报文交换中心
- semi-automatic message switching center [计] 半自动报文交换中心
- store-and-forward message switching center 存储转发信息交换中心
- Weather Message Switching Center 气象电报转换中心
- message switching center 报文交换中心,信息转接中心
- It does not, however, undermine the basic messages of the text. 然而,这并不会损害正文基本要点。
- The control station may be a computer in a message switching system. 在报文交换系统中,控制站可以是一台计算机。
- Mobile Switching Center Id = a symbolic key that is used only for form access. Mobile Switching Center Id = 仅用于表访问的一个符号键。
- I think the basic message of this movie is the power and importance of education. 我想这部电影所要传达的基本信息就是教育的力量和重要性。
- The basic message of Christianity -- love your brother -- is obscured under torrents of blood to the point of benumbing the audience. 基督教的基本信息--热爱你的兄弟,在使观众变得麻木的血液洪流中,已经变得很模糊了。
- To becoming the person of go whoring guest, also have data-base, the basic message of the other side wants to have, still the other side likes what kind, etc. 对于已经成了嫖客的人,也有资料库,对方的基本信息要有,还有对方喜欢什么类型的,等等。
- As described previously,SS7 links interface STPs to STPs and STPs to the mobile switching center (MSC). 如前所述,SS7 链路实现 STP 到 STP 和 STP 到移动交换中心 (MSC)。
- As described previously, SS7 links interface STPs to STPs and STPs to the mobile switching center (MSC). 如前所述,SS7 链路实现 STP 到 STP 和 STP 到移动交换中心 (msc)。
- In a(message switching) communications system,an intermediate address by which an addressee may be known for routing purposes. 在一个(信息交换)通信系统中,在路由选择时由该地址可以知道收信方的一个中间地址。
- In a(message switching)communications system, an intermediate address by which an addressee may be known for routing purposes. 在一个(信息交换)通信系统中,在路由选择时由该地址可以知道收信方的一个中间地址。
- In communications, a manual switching system where incoming messages to the switching center perforate paper tape. 在通信技术中,一种人工信息[报文]交换方法,即进入交换中心的(信息)报文用手工在纸带上穿孔。