- We should give priority to the development of the basic industries. 我们要优先发展基础工业。
- Basic industries, such as energy and transportation, have thrived. 能源、交通等基础产业蓬勃兴起。
- Investment continues to incline to basic industries and infrastructure field. 投资继续向基础产业和基础设施领域倾斜。
- With regard to the structure of investment,investment in basic industries has significantly increased. 在投资结构方面,基础产业投资力度明显加大。
- Many countries have been able to develop industries and sophisticated industries rapidly just because they have powerful basic industries. 许多国家工业发展得快,尖端工业能够较快地上去,都是因为有强大的基础工业。
- We should increase our investment in basic industries -- raw and semi-finished materials, transportation and energy. 基础工业,无非是原材料工业、交通、能源等,要加强这方面的投资
- Second,we should develop basic industry and build new railways. 第二要抓基础工业。要建设新的铁路。
- With regard to the structure of investment, investment in basic industries has significantly increased. 在投资结构方面,基础产业投资力度明显加大。
- The Central Government has extended special support to the construction of infrastructure facilities and the development of basic industries in Tibet. 中央政府对西藏的基础设施建设和基础产业发展给予了特殊的支持。
- As for where investment should go and where funds should be used,I am in favour of applying them to strengthen basic industries and agriculture. 至于一些做法,如投资方向、资金使用方向等,我赞成加强基础工业和农业。
- At present,the main problem is that our basic industries are weak and that we don't have enough electricity and raw and semi-finished materials. 现在主要是我们基础工业薄弱,缺少电和原材料。
- During the first eight years after the founding of New China we carried out the socialist transformation of ownership of the means of production and set up some basic industries. 建国后的头八年,我们进行了社会主义改造,建立了一些基础工业。
- There are many problems with industry and particularly with basic industry. 工业本身,首先是基础工业本身就存在不少问题。
- The Chinese government welcomes private foreign capital to invest in China's infrastructure development and basic industries. 中国政府欢迎外国私人资本参与中国的基础设施和基础工业建设。
- As for where investment should go and where funds should be used, I am in favour of applying them to strengthen basic industries and agriculture. 至于一些做法,如投资方向、资金使用方向等,我赞成加强基础工业和农业。
- Indeed, several converging factors suggest that Japan's basic industries are now poised for an outbreak of mergers and takeovers in the coming months. 种种迹象表明,在未来的几个月里,日本的基础产业将面临一场收购与并购的风暴。
- Mohamed H.Al-Mady has been Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) since July, 1998. 阿尔马迪先生自1998年7月起任沙特基础工业公司(SABIC)副董事长兼首席执行官,他自1976年起在SABIC工作。
- Wen Jiabao: As I said, we believe that the U.S. real economy is still solidly based.Particularly the high-tech industries and the basic industries. 温家宝:正如我所说的,我们相信美国实际经济还是有坚实基础的,特别是在高科技企业和基础工业方面。
- Many basic industries -- the automotive and steel-producing industries, for example -- traditionally were "oligopolies" dominated by a few major corporations. 许多基础工业,如汽车和钢铁制造业,历来为几家大公司所控制,成了所谓“寡头卖主垄断”业。
- In industry, we should concentrate on developing basic industry, which is still weak. 工业本身必须着力解决基础工业薄弱的问题。